(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) The source of the “8·14” epidemic in Shenzhen may come from Hong Kong and it has little relevance to imported frozen food

  China News Service, Shenzhen, August 28 (Zheng Xiaohong and Zhu Zuying) It has been two weeks since a Shenzhen supermarket promoter was diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia in his hometown of Shanwei, Lufeng on August 14. The Shenzhen government had this outbreak on the afternoon of August 28 The third press conference revealed that according to the results of genome traceability and epidemiological investigations, the virus of this epidemic is likely to be imported from Hong Kong, and it is not closely related to foreign imported frozen food contaminated by the new crown virus.

  According to reports, the virus sequence of the promoter patient is quite different from that of the local patients in Shenzhen in February and March, and is highly homologous to the virus strains circulating in Hong Kong from July to August, with a homology rate of 99.99%.

  Since the outbreak of the "8·14" epidemic, Shenzhen's large-scale investigation and testing has now ended. In this round of investigation, a total of 743,000 samples of key personnel were collected for nucleic acid testing. As of 12:00 on August 28, apart from the 3 cases of asymptomatic infections found on August 14 and 19, Shenzhen has not found any new positive cases in this epidemic.

  Among the 3 asymptomatic infections, 1 has been negative for 3 consecutive nucleic acid tests. If there is no change in the condition, he plans to release the isolation and discharge after the isolation observation period expires. The other two are in stable condition, but they still need to be hospitalized for observation. There are a total of 432 households with 1,269 people in the residential building where the 3 asymptomatic infected persons are located. Two nucleic acid tests have been carried out and the results are all negative. All will be lifted from isolation on the 28th.

  Luo Lexuan, director of the Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission and spokesperson for the Shenzhen Municipal Leading Group for Prevention and Control (Command), said that a 14-day incubation period has passed since the “August 14” epidemic, and no new cases of infection have been found. The round of epidemics has been effectively controlled, the possibility of subsequent cases or asymptomatic infections is small, and the risk of community transmission and spread is basically eliminated. However, in the past 4 days (August 25-27), Shenzhen has newly added 21 cases of imported asymptomatic infections. The risk of local epidemics caused by imported cases still exists, and epidemic prevention and control still cannot be relaxed.

  Li Zhong, director of the Shenzhen Municipal Market Supervision Administration, stated that from August 24 to 27, Shenzhen Hema Company applied for resumption of work in three batches of stores and warehouses that were closed. After research and decision by the Shenzhen Epidemic Prevention and Control Command Office, the first batch of 10 Hema Xiansheng stores that were approved to resume operations have resumed online and offline operations at 0:00 on August 27. The remaining 11 stores and 2 warehouses will be Business has resumed in the near future. (Finish)