The return to school often rhymes with the disappearance of the holiday tan. But certain techniques allow you to preserve tanned skin a little longer. Hydration, diet, scrubs ... Europe 1 takes stock with dermatologist Frédérique Fiszenson-Albala and naturopath Angèle Ferreux-Maeght.

As the start of the school year approaches, many people fear that their tanned skin will disappear from the holidays. On average, a tan lasts between two and four weeks. But it depends on how the skin has been exposed to the sun. In the event of long and progressive exposure, over two to three months, with a small dose of sun every day, the tan is more durable. On the other hand, it disappears much more quickly after intensive but brief exposure, over 15 days for example. Still, some tips can be applied to preserve your tan. Europe 1 takes stock.

Hydrate your skin well

For dermatologist Frédérique Fiszenson-Albala, who spoke on the program  Sans rendez-vous  Friday on Europe 1, the best technique is to hydrate your skin well. "The more we hydrate the skin, the more we will keep the cells that are full of melanin (a dark pigmented substance, editor's note) on the surface of the epidermis," explained the specialist.

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She also recommends this hydration "morning and night". “There are after-sun balms that are also effective because they are moisturizing and contain anti-inflammatory elements that help to make the tan last a little longer,” she adds. Some scrubs can also be recommended as long as they are gentle, in order to expel only the dead cells on the surface of the skin.

Consume foods rich in beta-carotene

Another recommendation: enrich your diet as much as possible with vegetables and fruits rich in beta-carotene. These are, for example, carrots, sweet potatoes, beets, mango or parsley.

The naturopath Angèle Ferreux-Maeght also suggests consuming urucum, "a small seed that is also found in powder". "Also called annatto, you can find it in organic stores. It's really great, it gives a good boost to the tan", she continues.

"Besides, the carrot is a bit ridiculous because it contains up to 100 times less carotenoids. Carotenoids stimulate the production of melanin, so it prepares the skin for the sun, it promotes an even tan, but it also allows to keep it for a long time. You can already put it in your diet. Urucum is fat-soluble, so it is best to put a few seeds or powder in your olive oil. It will have positive effects on the Sun tanning."

Last possible tip: mix carrot oil or turmeric in your day cream.