The coronavirus epidemic is finding new impetus at the end of summer in France. In the Bouches-du-Rhône, the incidence rate is particularly high. The latest figures show 123 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants during the past week. An even higher ratio than in the capital.


4,897 new cases of coronavirus were identified in France on Sunday, and the death toll stood at 30,513. While the Covid-19 epidemic rebounds, one department seems particularly affected: the Bouches-du-Rhône. The latest report shows 123 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants during the past week. This is the highest incidence rate in France, even higher than in Île-de-France. In front of the CHU in which Professor Raoult officiates, many Marseillais come to be tested.

>> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Monday, August 24

The first screening candidates arrived Monday morning at 6 a.m. and had to wait 4 hours before they could take the test. "My grandson's nanny is positive," explains a lady who came at dawn. "As I babysat one afternoon and I have an 83-year-old mother, I preferred to come", she justifies again. Endless lines form in front of all screening centers in France.

"The emergencies have no means, it's a scandal"

And for good reason, the time to get an appointment in the laboratory is about 1 week, which is "unacceptable" for a father who is patient in front of the University Hospital of Marseille. The Marseillais goes even further, "we are told about the red zone, it is just not possible to have to wait so long, emergencies have no means, it is a scandal".

>> PODCAST - Coronavirus: find all the answers to your questions here

The upsurge in cases has led the government to consider closing bars after 8 p.m., limiting movements or gatherings of more than 10 people. An employee in the queue considers these measures necessary because according to her, "people have forgotten what happened in March and April". More police officers to encourage wearing the mask in the streets of the city, this is also what the town hall of Marseille wants.