Jean-François Delfraissy is the Chairman of the Scientific Council. - Jacques Witt / SIPA

"There will be contaminations at school" but "we will manage them", assured Monday the President of the Scientific Council, Jean-François Delfraissy, who considers "fundamental" that the return to school scheduled for September 1 takes place despite the Covid-19.

“The start of the school year must happen. And I am announcing from the outset that there will be contaminations at school, and that we will manage them, ”declared on Franceinfo the president of the body which advises the government during the pandemic. “There will be children who will infect themselves and there will probably be a few teachers who will infect themselves. Well, we will manage it, ”he added.

Tests and carriers

"We are now able to test, we have to make a major effort on isolation (positive cases to avoid contagion, editor's note), but we have to enter into this risk management strategy", he continued, stressing that "there is no zero risk". Professor Delfraissy says he relies on "the knowledge we have acquired on the circulation of the virus in children".

"Children are carriers of the virus, but (…) in small quantities", and "severe forms in children are exceptional", he recalled. In addition, "the transmission observed in school is not from children to teachers or parents, but rather from teachers or parents to children."

The class will remain open

"It is fundamental that the school resumes", pleaded the scientist. "We cannot leave this generation of children without resuming", he insisted, highlighting the "role of social support" of the school for "the children of the most disadvantaged families".

In the event of a proven infection, "we can close the class," said Professor Delfraissy. "Closing the school, we will have to think about it, it will depend on the environment around this school in general". He is not in favor of regular screening of teachers: “We are not going to test (them) every week or every fortnight. It's not possible ".

But "at the slightest suspicion both within a class, a family relationship or a teacher who has been in contact, yes, there, we test very, very broadly." Finally, Professor Delfraissy is "not against" the free provision of masks at school.


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  • school
  • Society
  • Back to School
  • Covid 19
  • Coronavirus