Cooling spray May cause explosion in closed space Ventilate after use 19:48, August 20


Regarding the danger of using fire after using a spray in a closed space, the Chiba City Fire Department has posted a video of the experiment on its website.

This is a video of the experiment.

In an enclosed space with a height of 40 cm, a width of 60 cm, and a height of 60 cm, spray an antiperspirant spray containing flammable gas for 20 seconds.

Then, when a spark was generated by the ignition device inside, the flame rose with a loud explosion sound.

The Chiba City Fire Department said, "If you use a spray containing flammable gas in a car with all the doors and windows closed, and then use a lighter, an explosion may occur. Use of a cooling spray inside the car When doing so, please be careful, such as providing adequate ventilation."