Police officers. (illustration) - LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP

The police intervened this Wednesday morning in Gap (Hautes-Alpes) to evacuate a squat sheltering about fifty people including several migrants, we learned from the prefecture, confirming information from Dauphiné Libéré .

The Grenoble Court of Appeal had previously ordered the evacuation of this building, known as the Césaï, within seven months of its decision dated December 10, 2019. The operation, which took place without major incident, took place while the occupants, including activists and migrants, refused to leave the premises.

Overnight stays offered to certain people

The volunteers were subjected to a Covid test, masks were distributed to everyone, and "an individual examination of (their) administrative situation intended to verify (their) rights" was made possible, specifies the prefecture.

"Overnight stays are offered to people according to their administrative, health and vulnerability situation, in particular women with children," adds the prefecture. "Four women with children and a single woman were taken care of by the emergency accommodation system", finally specified the prefecture in a second press release published at midday.


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  • Police
  • Squat
  • Migrants
  • Society