The Swedish Journalists' Association, Reporters without Borders, the Association of Digging Journalists, the Media Institute FOJO and Tidningsutgivarna write in the appeal that they demand that the journalists who have been arrested or disappeared in the country be released immediately. It reports the newspaper Journalisten.

"We call on the Swedish government and the international community to closely monitor the situation of independent media and act through channels such as the EU and the OSCE against violence against journalists in Belarus," they continued in the appeal.

Several journalists disappeared

Since the unrest and demonstrations in Belarus (formerly Belarus) gained momentum in connection with the election, 15 journalists have disappeared, been arrested or detained, according to the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ). Even before the election, more than 40 journalists were arrested who monitored developments in the country.

The initiators of the call write that journalists have been beaten, arrested and had equipment confiscated in connection with the coverage of the demonstrations.

Extensive police operations against protesters

According to the Belarussian government's own figures, 6,700 people were arrested in the aftermath of Sunday's controversial election - in which incumbent President Alexander Lukashenko won 80 percent of the vote. Foreign observers dispute the legitimacy of the election, and the opposition claims election fraud. The election result has triggered extensive demonstrations in the country.