Wuhan Evening News (correspondent Li Han, reporter Zhang Jian) ​​A man from Wuchang likes long-distance running and insists on running at night. Recently, the temperature in Jiangcheng has continued to rise, and he still runs by the East Lake at night. On the evening of August 2, he suddenly fell into a coma during the night run and was taken to the hospital by his companion for rescue. As of 6 pm on August 3, he had not escaped his life threat.

  Mr. Song, 40, is an employee of a state-owned enterprise in Wuhan. He usually pays attention to exercise and has always had a good physical fitness. In the past two years, he has been keen on long-distance running. He especially likes to post his night running route map in the circle of friends. As long as it doesn't rain, he will jog around East Lake with like-minded partners every night.

  At 7 pm on August 2, he and his two companions went outdoors as usual. Although the weather was a bit sultry, he still planned to run 5 to 8 kilometers. Unexpectedly, when he ran to about 3 kilometers, he suddenly collapsed on the side of the road and convulsed, and he couldn't respond no matter how his companion shouted.

  The two companions immediately sent the unconscious Mr. Song to the emergency center of Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, where he was diagnosed with severe heat stroke after examination. After rescue overnight, Mr. Song still did not regain consciousness, and is still in the emergency center ward to continue treatment.

  Zhao Zhigang, deputy chief physician of the emergency center, said that Mr. Song had severe cerebral edema due to severe heat stroke. He received comprehensive treatments such as ventilator support, dehydration and lowering of intracranial pressure. The current vital signs are stable, but he is not out of danger. It is expected that even if it is out of life-threatening, sequelae will remain in the brain.

  If there is no sun at night, why do you get severe heat stroke outdoors? Zhao Zhigang believes that the recent high outdoor temperature, high humidity, and continuous heat dissipation at night on roads exposed to the sun are all high-risk factors that cause heat stroke. If the outdoor exercise load is too large at this time, it is easy to cause heat stroke.

  "In the past three days, the hospital has admitted 2 patients with severe heat stroke. The citizens need to be more vigilant." Zhao Zhigang reminded that Wuhan ushered in continuous high temperature and heat, citizens should minimize outdoor activities, it is best to stop outdoor sports, and replenish water in time. If you are uncomfortable with chest tightness, palpitation, dizziness, etc., seek medical attention immediately.