[Explanation] It is the summer vacation. Many students want to use the vacation time to do part-time jobs, so as to learn about the society and earn tuition fees. However, occasionally students get cheated on part-time jobs. Not long ago, CCTV exposed part-time job scams of online ordering. Did you do part-time summer jobs when you were in school? Which "thunders" have you stepped on? The reporter conducted random interviews with the public on this issue.

  [Concurrent] People

  Before, my friend took those orders on the Internet, as if it was a small program to get something and then gave him money, and then finally got cheated, didn't give money, and then deleted him directly.

  [Concurrent] People

  Just tell you that if you pay 800 yuan a day, it is very unreliable, that is, you will be asked to pay first.

  [Concurrent] People

  The kind of thing is that the job seems very simple, and the job is particularly simple and you can make a lot of money. Some students are tempted and may be easily hooked.

  [Concurrent] People

  (I've heard of it) The kind of scams that you have to pay for your order anyway. Face-to-face office work in a physical location, rather than purely network-free work, may be more trustworthy.

  [Explanation] Some lawyers said that in recent years, with the development of the Internet, part-time fraud targeting student groups with less social experience has become more diverse and difficult to distinguish.

  [Concurrent] Han Xiao, Beijing Kangda Law Firm

  There are more common scams, such as online shop swiping orders, or video platform swiping popularity, cheating training fees or cheating deposits, membership dues, or after finishing work, they will directly tell you that they are unqualified and a dismissal. Then the most common one is to apply for a student’s ID card or signature student card, and then apply for a credit card, or even more, apply for business registration. The latest form of telecommunications fraud a few days ago was to scan the list for part-time jobs. Namely, and then actually transfer the money from the card.

  [Explanation] Han Xiao said that scams under the guise of part-time jobs often use low pay and high returns as gimmicks. Students should "bright" their eyes and try their best to choose trusted channels and formal platforms.

  [Concurrent] Han Xiao, Beijing Kangda Law Firm

  For example, those with a high rate of return in a short time, or those who have to pay promotion fees in advance, and then pay training fees or business deposits. In this case, we generally do not recommend going there. It is necessary to conduct an identity and identification, some background checks of these companies, look at the time of its establishment, including some of its online reputation. You must have a sense of evidence, try to sign (contract) and make a recording. For example, you must keep an original copy of whether it is an electronic contract or the original contract.

  [Explanation] Once you find that you have been deceived, Han Xiao suggested that you should immediately communicate with the company and call the police. Actively safeguarding their own rights and interests can recover the losses as much as possible.

  [Concurrent] Han Xiao, Beijing Kangda Law Firm

  Try to collect a relevant evidence, such as WeChat, Alipay or DingTalk's evidence. In fact, one more victim can be united to go to the public security organ to report to the police, which may protect our interests as much as possible. The third step can be a report processing, such as some hotlines of 12345, and some market hotlines. We support students in a part-time activity, but we must keep our eyes open to avoid risks, especially personal risks and property risks.

  Wang Shibo Report from Beijing

Editor in charge: [Yu Xiao]