• Ávila Fair. The opening act starts: Lopez Simón, first no-show on the shoulders
  • Feria de Ávila.Finito de Córdoba gives the money back to a fan who rebuked him from the line: "How much did it cost you?"
  • Ávila. The bad reputation of José Montes, the businessman who reopens the season in Ávila: "I am a revolutionary"

In the access doors to the lines of the Ávila bullring you could read the health recommendations. "Mandatory use of masks" and "maintain the safety distances established by the competent health authority". The Junta de Castilla y León allowed "75% of the capacity" in the bullrings with numbered seats, a maximum of 1,000 attendees if the tickets are general. The Board forced to further reduce the capacity. "At 25%" , according to a Local Police agent who controlled the mask access to the esplanade of the bullring. Of the 8,600 localities, only 2,000 people could occupy the lines

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