[Commentary] On the afternoon of July 18, the Information Office of the People’s Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region held a press conference to introduce the epidemic situation and prevention and control work. Rui Baoling, director of the Urumqi CDC, introduced at the press conference that from 0:00 on July 15 to 12:00 on July 18, there are 17 confirmed cases and 23 asymptomatic infections in Urumqi City. The main cases and asymptomatic infections are Concentrate on Tianshan District.

  [Same period] Rui Baoling, Director of Urumqi CDC

  Based on the results of epidemiological investigations and laboratory tests, the current epidemic is mainly related to a cluster of activities. The epidemic has developed rapidly. The cases and asymptomatic infections are mainly concentrated in Tianshan District, and they are all centralized medical observers. Please do not panic. At present, the cases are common and light.

  [Commentary] The first confirmed case this time was a 24-year-old woman, a staff member on the third floor of Zhongquan Square, Zhongshan Road, Tianshan District, and her usual residence is Tianshan District, Urumqi City.

  It was also introduced at the press conference that the government will do its utmost to treat patients according to the principle of "concentrate cases, concentrate experts, concentrate resources and concentrate treatment", concentrate confirmed cases and asymptomatic patients to designated hospitals, and implement "one person, one policy" individualized diagnosis and treatment ,Take the combination of Chinese and Western medicine for treatment.

  Tianshan District is the old city center of Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, with prosperous business and diverse cultures. In Urumqi, the internet-punched "Great Bazaar" has more than 40 ethnic groups living in its area. It is a large multi-ethnic community.

  Reporter Zhao Yamin from Urumqi, Xinjiang

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]