[Commentary] Chen Guiya, deputy chief engineer of the Yangtze River Water Conservancy Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources, said at a press conference held by the Wuhan Municipal Government Information Office on July 14th that according to the latest rain and flood conditions, no major floods will occur in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. The water level of the Hankou station in the Wuhan section of the Yangtze River will retreat below the warning line of 27.30 meters around the day.

  [Same period] Chen Guiya, Deputy Chief Engineer, Yangtze River Water Resources Commission, Ministry of Water Resources

  Because recently, the rainfall of these two lakes (Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake) has stopped, so according to predictions, there will be less rainfall in the two lakes in the future, so our main stream in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is mainly backwater, but due to the two lakes’ The water level is relatively high, and they store more water early, so the water withdrawal is relatively slow.

  [Explanation] Chen Guiya reminded that the dike stage should pay attention to the safety of the dike to prevent the occurrence of dangers such as slope removal and water seepage.

  [Same period] Chen Guiya, Deputy Chief Engineer, Yangtze River Water Resources Commission, Ministry of Water Resources

  Well, at this stage of dewatering, we still have to start to do a good job of embankment inspection and emergency rescue treatment, so if you can't be paralyzed, you can sit back and relax when you want to retreat, and the retreat stage is also very easy to happen Danger.

  [Explanation] According to a report, at 23:00 on July 12, the water level of the Wuhan section of the Yangtze River reached its highest level since the flood began this year. The water level of the Hanfeng station was 28.77 meters, and the flow rate was 56400 cubic meters per second. On July 13, the Yangtze River Hongfeng passed through Wuhan, and the current round of Hongfeng water level was the fourth highest since the hydrological record, lower than in 1954, 1998, and 1999.

  [Explanation] Chen Guiya analyzed that from the current situation of rainfall development, from now until early August, the "main battlefield" of rainfall in the Yangtze River Basin will be transferred to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Therefore, it is not ruled out that the water from the strong rainfall in the upper stream, and the floods and floods caused by the local rainfall in the middle and lower reaches, and the urban waterlogging.

  [Same period] Chen Guiya, Deputy Chief Engineer, Yangtze River Water Resources Commission, Ministry of Water Resources

  What we are saying now, we are mainly concerned about the possible floods in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, local heavy rainfall in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, which may cause local floods and floods, as well as urban waterlogging, so for the future, we still have to Prepare for the flood prevention.

  Zou Hao Ai Hongyi Wuhan, Hubei reported

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]