The department most affected by coronavirus after Guyana, Mayenne has launched a massive screening campaign. The first two specially set up screening centers were operational on Monday, notably at L'Huisserie, a few kilometers from Laval, where Europe 1 visited.


Mayenne is at the heart of all attentions. This department of 300,000 inhabitants, which was largely spared at the height of the coronavirus epidemic, has become the most affected French department after Guyana. 311 cases were officially noted (update updated Monday evening), as well as seven foci of contamination. The authorities' health response was immediate, with the introduction of massive screening for residents, accessible without any prescription, in one of the 400 centers specially set up. The first two were operational on Monday, notably at L'Huisserie, a few kilometers from Laval, where Europe 1 visited.

>> LIVE -  Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Monday July 13

Until 8 p.m., there is an uninterrupted stream of Mayennais who has continued to swell the queue, formed from 9 a.m. in front of the town gymnasium. Many elderly people have made the trip, such as Eliane, 70 years old. The examination was carried out by blood test, without pain, ensures Éliane, who now awaits the results. "It tickles a little bit. I think it's very, very good what has been done for the department of Mayenne. When I am sure of my results, I will continue to put on the mask. And for the hugs, we'll see later, "she says.

"It is better to leave when you are sure of being quiet"

Yannick, 49, wants to be fixed on him before possibly going on vacation. But if he is positive, promised, he will remain confined to his home. "It will be complicated and afterwards, we will have to put ourselves in the fortnight and avoid meeting as many people as possible. It is better to leave when you are sure of being calm and not to have any regrets", he philosophizes .

After being sent to a laboratory in Nantes, this Monday's tests should deliver their verdict from Wednesday. Ultimately, the authorities hope to pass all the inhabitants of Mayenne for screening, that is 300,000 people.