Gilles Bouleau, presenter on TF1, will interview the President of the Republic alongside Léa Salamé, Tuesday at midday on the occasion of the Fête nationale. On Europe 1, he talks about the preparations for a necessarily special exercise, and reveals its constraints, particularly in terms of time.


It is a traditional exercise to which Emmanuel Macron had not yet sacrificed. Tuesday, the President of the Republic will submit to the traditional interview of July 14, with him facing two journalists, Gilles Bouleau from TF1, and Léa Salamé from France 2. The first tells Monday on Europe 1 the preparations for this meeting you eagerly awaited, but also and above all its constraints. "With Lea, we made wagons of questions and we have to grieve for that. Because not all of them will be asked," he warns.

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"An interview does not end with a candle"

"The only criticism that I do not accept is when I am told: 'Why did you not ask such and such a question?'", Develops the presenter of the 20-Hours of TF1. "I tell them that an interview doesn't end with a candle. If you have an hour to do an interview, it's not the same as two hours, three hours or a state thesis. may not be the very intelligent question that Léa and I had thought of on this or that problem. But that, we cannot be blamed for it. Or else you are making a book with Emmanuel Macron, with Sarkozy or François Hollande . "

Gilles Bouleau does not cite these presidents or ex-presidents by chance. Because he had the opportunity to interview all three of them. And he did not approach his interviews in the same way. "Each induces a difficulty For example, François Hollande, by nature, by tactics, by grammatical structure, is someone who lets himself be interrupted. Sarkozy not really, but you can," explains the journalist. "Grammatically and by structure of thought, Emmanuel Macron, it's a little different, his sentences are structured differently, so interrupting him does not go through the same thing. It goes through it can go through gestures, through signs. .. "

"It takes two to dance tango"

And if Gilles Bouleau is not known for his aggressive questions, he is nevertheless demanding. "Me, I just want to constrain - it's the only element of constraint that I put in a - the person who answers to have a clear thought and precise answers, to get out of ambiguity, to get out of politics to speak concretely, "he says. "When we leave an interview with these feelings, I am satisfied. But there, there is a great difficulty. It takes two to dance the tango. So, if the interviewee is not in a good day, if it is too closed, if it is too interrupted or not enough, the interview is missed. But it is missed for everyone. "

It will therefore be necessary to wait for D-Day to know if the exercise has been successful. "What is a successful interview?" Relativizes the journalist. "Is this an interview where you made your throat go? I am a smuggler, I am here to ask the questions you ask yourself, whatever your political color, your age and your level of education, whether you voted Macron, whether you demonstrated for him or not. I just want to say at the end of the interview, 'OK, Léa Salamé, Gilles Bouleau they did a good job '".