The main problem of Alexei Navalny is that, imagining himself to be a "great combinator", he wants to single-handedly command any "parade". Rather, create the illusion of command, because all of its violent activity is often limited to activity in social networks.

Of course, such tactics cause more and more questions, bewilderment and even rejection among those who, unlike Alexey himself, take concrete actions in the difficult struggle with the “regime” and, in addition to angry posts in cozy little blazes, draw beautiful posters and go on pickets .

But since Navalny has long crowned himself and now firmly believes that it is he who sets the tone for all protest movements and campaigns in defense of one or another victim of “Putin’s repressions,” he perceived his rejection of the position in the Safronov case as a personal insult. And he began to behave in the image of a not-so-smart and not too hysterical woman who, having received a fairly fair rebuke for a tasteless dinner, first tries to prove that everything was cooked strictly according to the recipe, then rolls up a scandal, and collectively collects things in the finale and leaves for mom, simultaneously phoning all her friends and telling them what kind of monster she had been living with all these years.

For reference: while all the creams of Russian opposition journalism from the first minutes after Safronov’s accusation of high treason began to declare that the case was “fabricated” and that the authorities, they say, had launched another campaign to attack freedom of speech, Navalny said that he regretted and to protect a person who voluntarily went to work as a PR manager for Rogozin is not worth it. If only because an honest journalist will not use an official car worth 5 million rubles. Conscience will not allow it. But since Safronov, from selfish motives, without the slightest hesitation, exchanged journalism for bureaucracy, he is not worthy of compassion and support. Point.

It is not surprising that such a position of Navalny caused a flurry of criticism from those who profess the principles of caste and clanism and in any incomprehensible situation are in a hurry to defend “their own people”, not even a bit supposing the idea of ​​the guilty person involved.

In the bottom line, for several days we watched Gogolev’s “how Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich” in real time. The only difference is that Navalny began to defend his position in a simple and proven way. Namely - to incite their hamsters to dissenting hordes of hordes.

The king is made by the retinue. Adepts of Navalny have long been no different from stubborn sectarians. But this is not so bad.

The main “advantage” of Leshin's supporters is that they successfully replace the complete absence of arguments and the inability to conduct a constructive dialogue with obscene vocabulary, which they are fluent in. Simply put, in a five-word sentence, four of them will be unprintable. But it is in this way that loyal supporters prove the truth of their guru. Which, by the way, itself does not disdain anything unsubstantiated by slander and insults.

So they live. That's what they are. And they feel almost celestials, who are allowed, if not everything, then a lot.

What is remarkable. Any attempts to explain that Navalny is just a parasite that brazenly sticks to any protests and makes its own “investigations” based on other people's articles, cause such a flurry of negativity on the part of the “main opposition of the country” and such a stream of aggression from its supporters that it’s bad even becomes those who yesterday sincerely considered these people to be their, albeit situational, but allies.

“No one so eagerly proves his truthfulness as a liar, his courage as a coward, his courtesy as a badly mannered person, his untarnished honor as a bastard.” This quote from the novel “Gone with the Wind”, which I adore, perhaps most accurately reflects the psychological portrait of the one who, proclaiming himself the main fighter for all good against all bad, masterfully learned to do only two things. To assert oneself at someone else's expense and insult everyone who does not share his point of view.

 “Definitely vanity is my most beloved of sins. He is so fundamental. Self-love is a natural drug. ” This is another of my favorite quotes. Which no less clearly describes all the activities of Navalny. To whom do not care absolutely for everyone and for everything except himself beloved. Actually, all his activities are directed only in one direction - the nurturing of his own ego, the requirement of worship every second and the recognition of his indispensability and exclusivity.

Therefore, in his sect, only those who take root daily repeat the mantra "Oh, how wonderful you are," and, by fortune, fortunately, only bites into the throat of anyone who dares to doubt the correctness of the words and actions of the "leader" . Moreover, the reflex has already been worked out so much that idolaters don’t give a damn about whom to rush. The main thing is to protect Lesha from the attacks of enemies. And the fact that these same enemies were their best friends and partners yesterday was secondarily. For in war as in war. All means are good.

And another nuance. Navalny so easily loses friends and allies, because a) he sacredly believes in his impunity; b) in which case he counts on more serious support than pickets from the employees of Echo of Moscow.

And he considers a tweet in support of the American embassy to be more effective than this is all “I / We”, which for him is not a way to protect all “humiliated and oppressed”, but exclusively a platform for self-PR.

R. S. The author, by virtue of having a legal education, is sincerely convinced that the verdict in the Safronov case (as well as in any other cases) should be delivered by a court, not a boisterous crowd. However, the position of Alexei Navalny, who, in a hurry to express his “contempt” for the “fallen”, at the same time theatrically demands “mercy” for him, while pursuing his own interests only, is only disgusting.

Ironically, the final watershed in this story was the post of Ivan Golunov, in which Navalny was openly accused, if not plagiarized, then at least of using materials from Safronov’s articles as the “foundation” for FBK’s “investigations” *. But once Golunov hinted that the whole part of Navalny’s hectic activity was based on the banal theft of other people's content, Golunov was immediately called a petty swindler and liar, and Alexei’s wife, using a forbidden trick, using a tearful Instagram post, sighing and lamenting , shared a story about how a noble Alyosha sacrificed his daughter’s graduation for the sake of justice in relation to the now ungrateful Golunov. The fact that completely different people became key in this story, of course, is bashfully silent.

* The Anti-Corruption Fund is included in the register of NGOs performing the functions of a foreign agent, by decision of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of 09.10.2019.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the publisher