“They don’t know what to think of, if only they don’t have to deal with it,” commented Maria Zakharova on the next Wishlist of Ukraine, which suddenly decided that Russia owed her $ 100 million a year for the Black Sea Fleet based in Crimea.

In fact, such claims deserve less accurate comments, but diplomacy does not accept harsh rhetoric. What, in fact, Ukraine brazenly uses, continuing to try to make money on anything. Even if these attempts directly contradict common sense.

And not only because arrogance is the second happiness. The fact is that Ukraine’s financial affairs are so bad that it is ready to bill anyone with whom they can rip off at least some conditional five soldiers, thanks to which the current Ukrainian “democracy” will be able to hold out for some more time.

Plus, it is such a loud, but absolutely empty air shock that not only creates the illusion of a struggle, but also delays the acceptance of the inevitable. The very one with whom in Ukraine de facto reconciled for a long time. But where they still continue to verbally declare that Crimea is Ukraine, and to do everything so that the peninsula, for which at one time so much Russian blood was shed, continued to be one of the reasons for speculation, especially in international arena.

Perhaps for some it will be a revelation, but all the years of its independence Ukraine has been holding Crimea for a cash cow. Which does not require any investment, but at the same time brings a crazy income. On the cut which you can make good money.

Ukraine once received the Crimea in its temporary possession and use solely due to a combination of circumstances, but so far to this day it has not fully understood what a bankrupt can only ask, but not demand.

Moreover, in relation to the Crimea, which has always been, is and will be Russian, in spite of all the fantasies and illusions that, in spite of everything, continue to live the sect of “witnesses of the return of Crimea to Ukraine” and the “club of future rentiers,” who for the rest of their lives plan to live off reparations that Russia will pay them. Which just returned what belongs to her rightfully. But from which they will demand to pay and repent for this act, first of all, those who did not manage to not only understand what happiness had once fallen to him, but did nothing to keep this gift of fate in their hands longer.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.