Single-parent households Problems with non-payment of child support expenses Consideration of law development Government: June 25, 5:39

Due to the problem of non-payment of childcare expenses after divorce, the government has decided to review the system to ensure that it will be paid to single-parent households, and will consider a concrete legal system.

Due to the problem of non-payment of child support after divorce, the ruling party will automatically oblige the government to decide the amount of money before divorcing, or if the marriage cannot be done due to DV = domestic violence. We recommend that you set up a mechanism for calculating.

In response to this, the government will need to review the system to ensure that it will be paid to single-parent households, and will consider concrete ways of legal development, including amendments to the law, which will be summarized next week. “Priority policy for accelerating the success of women”

The “Priority Policy” stipulates that it will support local governments that are making advanced efforts to pay child support expenses, verify the efforts of local governments, and hold symposiums to ensure reliable payments. , It is expected that hearing the opinions of the public will be included.