Eczema and skin problems

Of allergic or chronic origin, eczema can cause severe itching. iStock / ipopba

By: Caroline Paré Follow

Eczema is a common skin condition in young children, but also in adults. Of allergic or chronic origin, it can cause severe itching.


Eczema, shingles, psoriasis ... What to do in case of skin problems? How to identify them? What treatments are available?

  • Pr Fatimata Ly, Senegalese dermatologist and venerologist, associate lecturer at the Cheikh-Anta-Diop University of Dakar, chief doctor of the Dermatology department of the Dakar Institute of Social Hygiene, national coordinator of the International Network on the psoriasis as well as the West African psoriasis group, author of " Modern dermatology and alternative medicines, treating Ndoxum siti in Senegal " (L'Harmattan).

At the end of the program , we find Marie-Rose Galès, patient expert on endometriosis.Since 2016, Marie-Rose Galès has been running the blog "  Endométriose mon amour  " and animates conferences. She is continuing to raise awareness of endometriosis with "Endo & sexo: having fulfilled sexuality with endometriosis", her first book published in 2019 (Josette Lyon editions).

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