Illustration of a child eating fries. - closon / ISOPIX / SIPA

Mass fat. More than half of the food advertisements seen by children and adolescents on television concern fatty, salty and sweet products, shows a study by Public Health France, which recommends to regulate more the advertising for these products.

Advertisements for products with a Nutri-Score D and E, the poorest nutritional quality, represented in 2018 “53.3% of food advertisements seen by children, 52.5% of advertisements seen by adolescents, and 50 , 8% of ads seen by adults ”, shows this study.

It also shows that half of the advertisements for these products are seen between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m., when more than 20% of children and adolescents are watching television and where the advertising is not framed as is the case. for programs specifically aimed at young people.

"The impact of marketing"

"These results are in favor of restricting food marketing for products of low nutritional quality, (…) at times when the greatest number of children and adolescents watch television", estimates in a press release Public Health France , recalling “the impact of marketing on children's food preferences and consumption and thus on overweight and obesity. "

This framework "seems just as necessary" on the internet, adds the public health agency. Indeed, "the increase in time spent on the Internet by children and adolescents suggests a much more massive exposure to advertisements" for fatty, salty and sweet products, without it being possible to date to measure it " for lack of declared data on investments and targeting ”.

In France, 17% of children aged 6 to 17 are overweight and, among them, 4% are obese, according to the Esteban study conducted in 2015. The first studies carried out on containment linked to the Covid-19 epidemic show, moreover, that this period worsened the sedentary lifestyle of French children, with a sharp increase in the time spent watching television, the Internet and video games, a trend that could persist over time, worry the researchers.


Food: The “Nutri-Score” soon mandatory on all advertising media


Nutri-score: According to UFC-Que Choisir, the cookies and breakfast cereals are stuffed with sugar and fat

  • study
  • Publicity
  • Health
  • Child
  • Society