What do animals say?

Audio 48:30

Mandarin diamonds. @ Guillaume Huet des Aunay

By: Caroline Lachowsky

What do animals say and how do we understand their words? Meet a zoo-linguist and an ethologist to share their animal dictionary and discover the meaning behind the vocalizations of birds ...


What do animals say and say to each other? How to understand the language of birds, the song of whales or the meows of cats, but also the dance of bees or the expressions of gorillas? Because each species, even each individual of each species, has specific ways of communicating, making heard and sharing what they feel: their desires as their fears, their emotions and therefore, to make sense with all their senses ... How decipher the words of animals, but also their visual auditory or sensory signs?

With Astrid Guillaume , lecturer authorized to direct research in language sciences, specialist in semiotics of human and non-human cultures at Sorbonne University and Sébastien Derégnaucourt , ethologist, professor at Paris-Nanterre University, director of the Laboratory of Ethology Cognition Development (specialist in birdsong, whistling and chirping).

→ Find the videos of the Un animal ... animots conferences on the Cité des Sciences website.

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  • Animal health
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