Dry soil (illustration) - KONRAD K./SIPA

Is there a risk of drought near my home? The free platform Info-secheresse.fr, developed by the Hérault start-up Imageau, drew on more than 100 million government data in open data to respond, as precisely as possible, to those who are concerned about the issue.

On this website, water professionals, farmers, communities, prefectures and even citizens concerned with saving water can find in real time, everywhere in France, the state of drought in water prices. water and groundwater, but also the rainfall totals for the last six months.

imaGeau puts https://t.co/MRvhBmyfh0 online: free real-time information and decision support service. An application of environmental utility to face the challenges of climate change. # 2020WDCD # drought #ODD pic.twitter.com/xng036tRJN

- ImaGeau (@NewsFromImaGeau) June 17, 2020

"A real citizen issue"

“Until now, to know the evolution of the resource in real time, it was necessary to consult and download information from several databases: rainfall, the quantitative state of rivers and groundwater, which was long and tedious, explains Olivier Depraz, managing director of this young company, a subsidiary of the Saur group since 2017, which employs 15 people at Clapiers. Info-secheresse.fr brings everything together on a single platform. We first worked to simplify our work, ours. And then, we said to ourselves that there was a real civic issue in sharing this information, so that everyone could access it. "

The site offers to know the state of drought in each department - Screenshot Drought Info

A way to "embody" the drought orders that fall each year, and which can sometimes seem obscure to citizens. "If you log in, and see that the rivers and groundwater in your town are completely in the red, and that it has not rained for months, this can, we hope, cause raising awareness and changing behavior, ”continues Olivier Depraz.

Especially since "droughts are likely to become more frequent, longer," notes Matthieu Baïsset, hydrogeologist expert and technical director of Imageau. The challenge of climate change requires generalizing the sharing of information and sustainable practices for the management and exploitation of water resources. "


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  • Planet
  • Environment
  • Languedoc-Roussillon
  • Montpellier
  • Water
  • Drought