In the past few days, the blue-throated bee tiger known as "the most beautiful bird in China" once again appeared in Xinxing Village, Gaohu Town, Hengdong County, Hunan. In the next two months, they will build nests, brood, and reproduce offspring.

  The blue-throated bee tiger has a body length of 26 cm to 28 cm, a chestnut or chocolate color from the top to the upper back, blue waist and tail, blue green wings, and a light blue waist and long tail. The blue-throated bee-eater often feeds on bees, dragonflies, butterflies, etc., and likes to stand on the branches and wait for the rabbits. Unlike the living habits of other birds that use trees as nests, the blue-throated bee-eater cuts holes on a soft soil slope. Home.

  According to reports, since the implementation of the project of returning farmland to forests and wetlands in Hengdong in 2017, the ecological environment in relevant areas has been effectively improved, and it has continuously attracted poultry such as Chinese merganser, swan and mandarin ducks to settle down. Since the blue-throated bee-eater was first discovered in Xialiu Town, Hengdong County in 2015, the number and habitat of this small bird have increased and expanded year by year in the county. (Photographer Dong Chao, reporter Wang Haohao, editor Zhou Jing)

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]