From new fashion to good habits "technology + management" has become a new trend

  Shanghai garbage classification, how about the first anniversary?

  In July last year, Shanghai promulgated the "most stringent" garbage management regulations in history, becoming the first city in the country to implement garbage classification.

  A year is about to pass, what kind of answer has Shencheng's garbage classification submitted? In the interview, a reporter from Workers Daily learned that real changes are taking place: there are more garbage cans in the residents’ homes, garbage compartments have become neat and tidy, volunteer work has gradually decreased, and garbage classification has changed from new fashion to household names. , A good habit practiced by everyone.

  According to the report of Shanghai Afforestation City Appearance Bureau, the garbage classification compliance rate of more than 13,000 residential areas in Shanghai has increased from 15% at the end of 2018 to 90% at the end of 2019, basically forming a complete garbage collection and transportation system. In May this year, the city's wet waste separation reached the highest level since the implementation of garbage classification...

  From "heteronomy" to "self-discipline"

  Shanghai's garbage classification has not been implemented smoothly from the beginning. The “one-size-fits-all” type of garbage classification regulations entered the strict control mode directly from laissez-faire. Not only did they set up special staff to take care of the trash cans in the community, but also a strict fines system, which made most citizens who were not originally classified as unprepared.

  The success of garbage sorting is a test of the quality of citizens, and the transformation from "other discipline" to "self-discipline" must be achieved. "Taking everyone to do" is better than "calling everyone to do", Shanghai launched the garbage classification query program at the first time to provide residents with a garbage classification instruction manual to help people understand and master the principles and skills of classification.

  At 8 a.m. on June 15th, at the waste sorting site at No. 3, Minzhu Village, Xujing Town, volunteers were asking for information about the households who came to put in the waste. After registering the information, the residents consciously poured the peels and leafs in the bag into the wet trash can, shaking the plastic bag hard and throwing the bag into the dry trash can beside it. Then the volunteers will make corresponding marks according to the classification purity of the residents, and at the end of the month, the information will be fed back to a rating table for publicity. Through the joint efforts of residents and volunteers, at present, the purity of garbage in the democratic villages is above 92%, and it has become the habit of residents to "sort and throw garbage" every day.

  With the support of laws and regulations, the participation of all citizens, and the full guidance of volunteers, the social atmosphere of Shanghai's domestic waste classification is getting stronger.

 One cell one plan

  In accordance with the requirements of “scheduled to be insisted on, fixed to be flexible, encouraged to remove barrels, and guided to break the bag”, Shanghai insisted on implementing the fixed-point fixed-point classification system according to local conditions, insisting on refined management, and earnestly implementing the “one community and one plan”. The understanding and support of the public.

  There are thousands of residents in the Haiyue Garden Community of Wuliqiao Street. After the residents committee announced the plan to remove the barrels, some residents said that there are no mandatory barrel removal provisions in the Regulations. The property fee includes the cost of garbage recycling for each floor. Remove the barrel.

  The general party branch of the residential area, the residential community joint community business committee and the property management company conducted research in the community for this purpose, solicited opinions from the residents, and set up two plans for "centralized delivery" and "autonomous delivery". Among them, the premise of "autonomous delivery" is that all households on each floor sign a contract to ensure the effective classification of wet and dry garbage. If the standard is not met for 5 consecutive days, the neighborhood committee has the right to remove the trash can on that floor and change it to "central delivery".

  "After signing the contract, we will set up wet and dry garbage bins. The barrel chief is responsible for the implementation of the responsibility. The community quality observers supervise the buildings, the garbage administrator collects them regularly, and publicizes them weekly." This is an autonomy convention negotiated by residents. After signing the contract, about 11 floors of garbage classification failed to meet the standard, so the barrels were withdrawn as agreed.

  In the end, about 35% of residents voluntarily "centralized delivery", and more residents implemented "autonomous delivery". With two delivery methods in a community, the management democracy has made residents happy, and the classification of domestic waste has also been implemented.

Intelligent supervision pays off

  In the process of doing a good job of sorting waste, intelligent waste sorting equipment also played a role.

  On the electronic screen next to the garbage compartment in the western suburbs, today the data of the amount of food waste, the amount of recyclable waste, and the amount of harmful waste are displayed on the screen one by one, and a detailed analysis of the classification of garbage. For periods of high garbage output, the community residents committee will increase the input of personnel.

  In the central square of the community, Hao Lei Community Service Pavilion is equipped with intelligent garbage collection boxes and convenient service facilities. Residents throw recyclable garbage such as cardboard boxes and plastic bottles into the intelligent garbage collection boxes. After automatic weighing and other procedures, they get a certain integral.

  In some areas of Shanghai, domestic waste classification has been incorporated into the "one network unified management" system. Through "technology + management", intelligent methods are used to explore the actual effect of waste classification to achieve long-term normality, and "one screen view classification, one network management process". Utilize technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data, and the Internet of Things, integrate platform data such as city law enforcement, market supervision, grid management, and social information, establish a complete classification and traceability information system, and establish a sound delivery, collection, transportation, and transit , Disposal of the whole process supervision system to improve emergency dispatching and disposal capabilities.

  Xu Zhiping, Director of the Municipal Waste Management Division of Shanghai Afforestation and Appearance Bureau, said that the general direction of Shanghai's garbage classification in 2020 is "technology + management", which aims to change the management mode based on human-sea tactics. I believe this will surely be the trend and direction of promoting the classification of domestic waste.

  It is understood that this year Shanghai will continue to further promote garbage classification, achieving more than 95% of the effectiveness of household and unit waste classification, and more than 85% of the effectiveness of street classification reaching demonstration levels.

  Qian Peijian