In response to a question about the alternative plan, in the event of any emergency for the UAE probe of hope during his trip to Mars, the Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Ahmed Belhoul said: «There is no alternative plan, we do not have (Plan B), because we have developed one plan And we bet on our national competencies, we trust them, and in all the preparations and measures they have taken to make this mission a success, we have great confidence in them, and the task they will carry out is historic. ”

Thirty days separates the UAE and the Arabs from the launch of the probe of hope for its historical journey to probe the depths of the Red Planet, it is not an ordinary journey, but rather a very difficult, and very important journey, and what the Emirates did to continue the work in the project and launch it on time, despite the huge challenges and difficult global circumstances, Because of the spread of the new Corona virus, it is a historical and cultural achievement in the full sense of the word, and it is enough to know that another project was to be launched in conjunction with the Emirati project, but it was canceled and postponed due to the Corona virus, do you know what countries that canceled this project? Russia and Japan, while the UAE chose the path to continue and not retreat, but accelerated the steps to reach the zero hour by 15 days, and was able to overcome all obstacles and difficulties, and all this was done with the planning, implementation and implementation of youth from the Emirates.

The space field is a difficult and full field of challenges and risks, and the success rate in it is completely equal to the risk rate, so it is one of the areas that it is not preferred to enter many but most of the world, yet the UAE, despite its relatively short years of life, entered this field strongly, and achieved amazing successes Currently, there are three national universities that provide space education within the country, and there are more than 3000 people working in the space field, a very large percentage of them are sons and daughters of the Emirates, and there are five research centers linked to space, and thanks to its insistence and determination it managed to launch many satellites And she was able to deliver the first Arab Emirati astronaut to the International Space Station, and today she is preparing to launch the first Arab probe to Mars, a probe that was entirely manufactured within the country and with pure Emirati hands.

The month of July next is a pivotal month in the history of the UAE, a month in which the country will achieve two great accomplishments, dedicating its position and development, and reflecting the leadership and global aspirations of its leaders, the project of the opening of the Barakah nuclear plant, and the launch of the probe of hope on a Japanese missile. .

The moments are not always repeated, so it is very joyful what the stakeholders have done to include the project of the probe of hope in the educational curricula, to document and perpetuate this event in the hearts and minds of future generations. The goals of the project are not all scientific, but it has direct benefits in building the mentalities and characters of the sons and daughters of the Emirates in a way General, and future generations in particular.

This is not a conclusion, but rather a fact proven by the numbers. Almost five years ago, only 25% of the male and female students of the UAE were enrolled in scientific disciplines and fields of science and mathematics, and after the announcement of the Emirates Space Program, the percentage rose to 40%, and most of them have inclination and desire to engage in this field .

"The journey to Mars is difficult, and the possibility of its failure is not possible, at any point in the stages of the launch, separation, or access to Mars." This is what the Western media reiterates, and this is what it is trying to focus on, and it is always looking for any gap to attack the Emirates project, and certainly The reasons for this are clear and well-known, so how can a small country crowd out adults in space, but the response to that is simple and direct, as there is no word in the Mars probe’s journey that fails, that will never happen, because all that will happen is success and achievement for the UAE and its children, whatever happens, and whatever The results, the reach, effort, effort, and experience that the UAE youth have acquired are huge gains that we are all proud of.

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