The Golfech nuclear power plant, between Toulouse and Agen. - Bob Edme - AP - Sipa

" Very bad ". It is the assessment carried by the Nuclear Safety Agency (ASN) on the general operation of the Golfech power station which "deteriorated further in 2019".

The nuclear “gendarme”, who unveiled his report on Monday on the installations in Nouvelle-Aquitaine and the former Midi-Pyrénées, points in particular to a deterioration in surveillance in the control room, and faults in compliance with the rules reactor management. Added to this is "a lack of systemic rigor" in terms of maintenance, with in particular "very poor" traceability of information, questionable radiological cleanliness of potentially contaminated premises or untimely releases in the nature of substances, fortunately, " non-radioactive ”.

New incident on June 5

In summary, ASN has decided "to be very vigilant about what is currently going on at Golfech" and calls on the operator - EDF in this case - to make nuclear safety performance an "absolute priority".

It is not the first time that the management of the Tarn-et-Garonnaise nuclear power plant, inspected from top to bottom in 2018 with the result of a finding of "degraded" operating quality, is thus pinned down.

In 2019, it declared no less than eight incidents during the scheduled shutdown of its reactor 2, seven of level 1 and one of level 2, on a gravity scale which counts 7. The person in charge of the site was summoned in January, for a “rise in suspenders” that ASN, a rare thing, made public.

As recently as June 5, a new level 1 incident occurred, a steam leak on an unsealed valve.

The two Golfech reactors produce around half of the electricity consumed in Occitania.


Tarn-et-Garonne: New incident at the Golfech nuclear power plant


Tarn-et-Garonne: The director of the Golfech nuclear power plant summoned to explain himself about malfunctions

  • Nuclear plant
  • security
  • Nuclear
  • Society
  • Toulouse