The dolphin born June 8, 2020 in Planète sauvage, here alongside his mother. - C. Durand / Wild Planet

The event is relatively rare. Amtan, the female dolphin of Planète Sauvage, gave birth on June 8 to a dolphin, announced this Saturday the animal park of Port-Saint-Père (Loire-Atlantique), near Nantes. The newborn, a ten kilo male, is doing well.

"The hours that followed allowed Amtan to familiarize his little one with the first stages in the life of a young dolphin: ensuring his swim, rising to the surface to take his breath, placing himself in his mother's furrow to rest, before quickly moving on to feedings which now follow each other without interruption at the rate of one every 20 minutes, "says the scientific team.

Amtan and his young will stay under observation for a few weeks and at a reasonable distance from visitors before joining the rest of the group of dolphins.

The highly criticized dolphinariums

This is the fourth birth of a dolphin for the Marine City of Planète sauvage since its opening in 2007. One of these dolphins had quickly died, in August 2015, victim of a fatal blow given by an adult female .

Planète sauvage has one of three dolphinariums in mainland France. The other two are in Marineland (Alpes-Maritimes) and Parc Astérix (Oise). These sites are regularly criticized by animal protection associations, which denounce unsuitable living conditions for these mammals.


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  • Dolphin
  • Zoo
  • Planet
  • Nantes