The Syrian regime's media tried to link the crime of exhuming the tomb of Caliph Omar bin Abdulaziz to armed groups, but Al-Jazeera correspondent Amr Halabi stated that activists circulated video clips showing the excavation of a mausoleum believed to be the Umayyad caliph by militias loyal to Iran and the Syrian regime in the village of Deir Sharqi in Idlib countryside.

The presenter "Above the Authority" pointed out that the Saudi writer, "the Zionist, is called Abd al-Hamid al-Ghbayn," when he mentions Palestine, he says about Palestine. He speaks on behalf of the Saudi people, as he puts a picture of Ibn Salman behind him, saying, "We support the annexation of Israel by the West Bank lands to it."

Meanwhile, in Tel Aviv, Israelis marched alongside Arabs on a march against the occupation and annexation projects that the fools claim the Saudis support.

In turn, Yair Golan, the former deputy chief of staff of the occupation army, affirmed that most of the Israeli officers refuse annexation, and the presenter of the program, Nazih Al-Ahdab, said in a comment on his own method during the episode, "Now I am asking a thousand people to tell him, how do you say the name of the heck ... my love, we are more program than Kind, conservative in the world, but I hear a name from the Israeli TV, the name of Yair, the carriers of Ya'in?