"We recovered the stolen door at Bataclan with a work by Banksy depicting the sad girl," said a senior rifle officer at Teramo. The operation was initiated at the request of the French police and carried out in the presence of French police, said the official. 

A work attributed to Banksy, a tribute to the victims of the November 2015 attacks in Paris and stolen in 2019 from the Bataclan, was found during a police operation in central Italy, he said. we learned Wednesday from the riflemen.

A work painted on a back door of the Bataclan

"We recovered the stolen door at Bataclan with a work by Banksy depicting the sad girl," said a senior rifle officer at Teramo. The operation was initiated at the request of the French police and carried out in the presence of French police, said the official. "I can't tell you anything else, a press conference by the prosecutor of L'Aquila", the capital of the Abruzzo region where the work was found, "will take place tomorrow morning," he said. it just added.

This work, attributed to the famous anonymous British artist Banksy, had been painted on a back door of the Parisian performance hall of the Bataclan, in the form of a tribute to the very place where 90 people were killed on November 13, 2015 during the terrorist attacks who hit Paris. It had been stolen in January 2019, with the door on which it was painted, cut out with a grinder.

Found on a farm in the Abbruz countryside

According to the daily La Repubblica, quoting the prosecutor of L'Aquila, the door was found on a farm in the Abbruz countryside. The operation took place on a search ordered by the prosecution and this discovery "was made possible thanks to investigations carried out by the prosecutor's office in collaboration with the French police and justice," the newspaper said.

Made with stencil and white paint, the work attributed to Banksy represented a sad-looking female character on one of the emergency exits, located behind the Bataclan, in the passage through which many spectators of the Eagles concert of Death Metal had escaped during the terrorist attack.