During the confinement, the French watched more television than consulted the Internet, reveal data from Médiamétrie published on Thursday. But they still spent a lot of time on the Internet: its attendance increased by 46% compared to the same period last year. 

If the confinement pushed the French to get more information, they nevertheless favored television. This is revealed by the latest data released Thursday by Médiamétrie. The French were indeed stuck on their TV for 4.40 hours a day in April: an average higher than that of Internet viewing. The French thus connected themselves for three hours a day on the Net. This time spent is still up 46% compared to a year ago.

During the confinement, it was also the American web giants, such as Google and Facebook, who benefited the most. Google gathered 39 million daily visitors while 31 million French people connected to Facebook every day. A record for the social network. 

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Success for news sites 

In terms of content, the French have mainly used the Internet for information. They were very numerous to visit the news sites: those of France info and Le Figaro prance in front of the sites of Ouest-France and BFMTV. The same is true for television since the French have watched a lot of television news and information channels.