These figures are incorrect. - Facebook screenshot

Tweeted in 2015 by Donald Trump, then candidate for the White House, who indicated holding it from "sources that are very credible", a misleading image resurfaces on social networks as demonstrations shake the United States after the death of George Floyd. It details so-called 2015 statistics on the death toll in the United States.

These figures are incorrect. - Facebook screenshot

Its content was partially relayed by Eric Zemmour on June 1 on the CNews continuous news channel.


The Crime Statistics Bureau behind the alleged data does not exist in San Francisco or the rest of the United States. Black homicide rates by perpetrator are fanciful. According to FBI homicide data, 16% of whites were killed by "blacks or African Americans" in 2015, not 81%. 8.6% of blacks were killed by whites, not 2%.

The rest of the infographic is just as misleading: 81% of whites were killed by other whites and not just 16% as the diagram suggests. Finally, 89% of "Blacks or African-Americans" were killed by other "Blacks or African-Americans", and not 97%.

For 2018, the most recent data available, the orders of magnitude remain the same.

As for the 1% of “blacks” and 3% of “whites” killed by the police indicated on the image shared by Trump, they do not correspond to analyzes of the profiles of victims of American police officers. The Washington Post noted in 2016, after having identified the victims, that "black Americans" were 2.5 times more likely than "white Americans" to be killed by the police. An estimate also arrived at by researchers in a study published in 2019. A second study, published in 2018, emphasizes that black victims are "overrepresented compared to the American population".

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VIDEO. Death of George Floyd: "We are tired of being killed" ... In the United States, rage does not fall


United States: No, this video does not show an arrest of an FBI agent

  • United States
  • Minneapolis
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  • George Floyd
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