First arrest for application for 100,000 yen benefit Kyoto New Coronavirus June 1 21:49

Two men and women in Kyoto city were arrested for trying to trick their money by impersonating their relatives over a uniform cash benefit of 100,000 yen that was spread by the new coronavirus. According to police, it was the first time in the nation to have been arrested in a case involving a claim for benefits, and one in two denied the charge.

Arrested were Satoshi Teraishi (38), an unemployed person in Ukyo-ku, Kyoto, and a 45-year-old woman with whom she was dating.

According to the police, the two accused themselves of acting as an agent of a 45-year-old woman's relatives who were arrested last month, and tried to deceive the benefits of 200,000 yen for the two, and attempted fraud and signed private documents. Suspected of being counterfeit.

The two said that they had changed the address of their relatives' application documents to their address, received the documents related to the benefits, and submitted the documents that impersonated the agent to the city hall.

Another family member, who was suspicious about the situation of the two, consulted with the police and found an irregularity.

In response to the investigation, Suspect Teraishi denied the charges, "I have nothing to do with them," and the woman she was dating had admitted the charges.

According to the police, it was the first time in Japan to have been arrested in a case involving application for a 100,000 yen benefit.