For the tenth day, the number of newly infected coronavirus in Russia has been declining. On May 21, this figure is lower than it was at its peak, almost a quarter. In Moscow, things are even better. Previously entered the epidemic - before leaving. Not bad. It's time to seriously launch support programs for those who, although not ill, have also suffered from the epidemic. Though not complete, but still the change in the usual rhythm of life has unsettled many. This is exactly what modern disaster looks like in modern times. Not fatal, but without state mobilization can not do.

They say the devil is in the details. Like, the necessary initiatives often come to naught in the process of their direct implementation. Statesmen know this like no other. Apparently, therefore, after yesterday's large-scale vote in parliament on measures to support citizens and business, Vyacheslav Volodin instructed the deputies to "take control" of the situation with their implementation. “Citizens and businesses should receive the benefits and payments set by them on time and in full,” the State Duma speaker admonished. It should be knocked out in stone so that officials do not forget.

What was required of the parliament — to pass the law — was generally done. In the second, main reading, measures to support people and business were voted. The minimum monthly allowance for caring for the first child is doubled. The allowance for mothers on maternity leave who have lost their jobs due to the crisis will also double. Famous children's payments of 10 thousand rubles each were protected from enforcement proceedings, and bonuses to social workers who risk their health no less than doctors were exempted from income tax.

Perhaps, the measures to support small and medium-sized businesses in the affected sectors have become even more important from a social point of view, since they give people the opportunity to earn money and pay their employees. They were exempted from taxes and insurance premiums accrued in the second quarter of 2020. And individual entrepreneurs will receive a deferral of rental payments. Already this year, self-employed citizens are due an amount in the amount of the minimum wage for the payment of tax on professional income. There are other innovations.

Having adopted all these important amendments, the legislators were so filled with pride and responsibility that they even changed the schedule of their work: now the plenary meetings of the lower house will be held every week, Volodin announced.

The reason for the particular focus on executive discipline is understandable. The way that Vladimir Putin’s order on payments to doctors began to be realized only recently has been called scandal. What kind of oak head began to count the hours and minutes spent by these holy people in direct contact with coronavirus patients, we are unlikely to ever know.

There are many useful, but fearful clerks on different floors of the power vertical. But the president’s reaction, I recall, was clear: this is unacceptable and should not continue to be repeated.

This question is not so much social or economic as political. During the "pestilence" there are no others. On such days, the government simply must be effective. The topic of anti-crisis measures overnight became the main one in the rhetoric of both the parliamentary opposition and non-systematic bulk players, and even (surprisingly!) Liberal economists - citizens of the world who rushed to demand distribution of benefits with one voice (albeit each in its own way).

Despite the similarity of requirements, each group had its own political calculation. If the Duma parties really expected an increase in state support, feeling responsibility to the voters, and the question was only about its size, then people with good faces, as the liberals ironically call in the people, tried to take power on weakly. Hoping that the state will hesitate, pull, and so will not give anything. And they haypanut, screaming "We talked!" the whole Internet and not only. It didn’t work out.

There is nothing wrong with political struggle, rivalry. This kind of competition is enshrined in the Constitution. The question is sincerity requiring. If, for example, the communists and socialists (in the State Duma they are just-Russia) are known for their joy for the people's penny (this is the basis of their ideology), then it’s at least strange to hear similar calls from proponents of market fundamentalism. I do not believe! In this sense, a joint vote on measures to support parliamentary parties looks like the actions of mature politicians, and not unscrupulous gorlopans.

In a pandemic, all branches of government are simply obliged to act, if not in unison, then in close contact. Now is not the time for abuse, long debate, endless checks and balances. This is the key to quickly solving problems. It was not in vain that they quickly and effectively suppressed the epidemic in a well-managed, assembled "red" China - and for so long fiddled in the relaxed countries of Southern Europe. It would be better for our authorities to learn from the former than from the latter. However, judging by yesterday's vote, we have already learned.

Worked on a solid four. Even the four with a plus. Why not five? There is always room to grow ...

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.