• Crisis: this was the summit of bullfighting figures: ready to fight in summer with reduced capacity and television
  • Covid-19. The Toro de Lidia Foundation calls for "the discrimination of the Administration" and announces massive mobilizations
  • Covid-19,600 bullfighting civil societies support the request for specific measures to Culture for the sector

Victorino Martín, president of the Toro de Lidia Foundation, sent this Thursday a "request for resignation" to the Minister of Culture, Juan Manuel Rodríguez Uribes , for "the silence and continued discrimination of bullfighting . The bullfighting sector demands his resignation as Minister of Culture and the beginning of talks with a minister who understands culture in all its breadth, a minister who honors his office. "

Victorino Martín has listed the list of grievances that the sector has suffered since the declaration of the state of alarm. "He has not responded to any of the 10 letters , he did not bother to respond to the document of 37 measures signed by 600 civil associations, he has excluded us from the different meetings held with the cultural industries, he has not even named the word 'bullfighting' in the decree of aid to the cultural sector " worth 76.4 million euros announced this Wednesday.

The forgetfulness of Minister Uribes in Congress has filled the patience of the bullfighting industry, which has rebelled this Thursday on social networks by launching the hashtag #ministrodelacensura. "Bullfighting is not left or right," wrote El Juli on Instagram . Other figures, bullfighters, ranchers and different personalities from the bullfighting world have launched similar messages following the wake of the letter headed by Victorino Martín, who has pointed out that the minister "has not even come out to defend us when Pablo Iglesias questioned, in a way unheard of, the cultural character of bullfighting. "

"The world of the bull has been discriminated against for too long, being relegated to the background, when the reality is that we are the second cultural show by number of spectators, only behind foreign cinema. The reality is that we are the second live show , only behind football. The reality is that 40% percent of Spanish municipalities organize bullfights. "

The reality, says Victorino, is that the world of the bull is "one of the main cultural industries in this country , and it has been too long since we received a treatment commensurate with our importance."

And he has compared the money that bullfighting receives compared to other shows to show the difference in treatment. "65,000 euros compared to 10 million for theater, 30 for music and dance or more than 70 million for cinema" .

"We respect", he concludes, "that the minister likes bulls more or less, but that he does not govern for his tastes or for that of his government partners. We cannot allow a Minister of Culture to exercise censorship in every way, social and budgetary, on bullfighting ". For this reason, "the bullfighting sector demands his resignation."

In accordance with the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes
  • Victorino Martin
  • The Juli
  • Instagram
  • Pablo Iglesias
  • Bulls
  • theater

Covid-19This was the summit of bullfighting figures: ready to fight in summer with reduced capacity and television

Covid-19The Toro de Lidia Foundation calls for "the discrimination of the Administration" and announces massive mobilizations

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