• Exhibition at the Cervantes.The rehabilitation of Max Aub

Elena Aub, the second of Max Aub's three daughters, referred in the third person to her father as "my Dad" and her son as "el Guero". It sounded Mexican although it was not known how many years it had been in Spain, the country in which he had been born and from which he had escaped when the Civil War broke out. She was kind, but she could be explosive and angry in defending her father's legacy. He had devoted himself to spreading the work of Aub, but was far beyond the classic figure of the daughter of . He had his own ideas about exile literature and about Cernuda, for example. She was well acquainted with her father's legacy and library and was persuasive in trying to impose her ways of life. Elena Aub has died at 89, 48 years after her father died.

Until 2012, Elena Aub directed the Max Aub Foundation, based in Segorbe (Castellón), the institution dedicated to the study and dissemination of the writer's work and reflection on the experience of exile, both in personal and collective consequences. . Give yourself that position, defended an eccentric figure in Spanish literature. Coming from a German and Jewish family, Aub was an uprooted and solitary joker who was but was not in 27. The temptation is to link him to the myth of the wandering Jew but Juan Marqués, the curator of the last great exhibition dedicated to his figure, the The Instituto Cervantes, in 2017, denied on that occasion the weight of the Jewish heritage.

As if to confirm it, Elena Aub refused to allow that sample to reach Tel Aviv on her roaming. It was a penultimate sample of his very strong personality. Today, the l Consell Valencià de Cultura dismissed her as "one of the last voices in literature to experience firsthand the vicissitudes of exile due to the Spanish war of 1936, first in Cuba and later in Mexico."

In accordance with the criteria of The Trust Project

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