Additional support measures for sole proprietors "Difficult during the week" Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry New Corona May 15 13:13

Regarding the additional support measures for sole proprietors such as freelance who are not covered by the “sustained benefit”, METI initially stated that it was difficult to put together this week, and continued to urgently make adjustments.

Up to 1 million yen can be paid as a sustained benefit to individual business owners such as freelancers whose sales have fallen sharply, but the main income is recorded as "Miscellaneous income" when filing a final tax return. If it was, it is out of the target.

For this reason, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is considering ways to provide additional support in a system other than sustainable benefits.

Regarding this, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Kajiyama said in a press conference on the 15th, "We are proceeding with the detailed design of the system, including how to grasp the actual situation of the business. We are in the process of making adjustments, and want to get a proposal as soon as possible. "

According to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, it is difficult to make adjustments regarding how to delineate the people targeted for support and the method of support, and it is a difficult situation to initially coordinate this week.

Freelancers and others are calling for prompt support, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry continues to rush to coordinate with the ruling party.