He spoke about the created viruses that cause the death of cancer cells and the results of using this technology.

“We really test its effectiveness in patients of the fourth, terminal stage, when they have nothing to lose, these are volunteers, and traditional therapy is no longer effective,” the specialist said.

According to him, there is a rather large percentage of cases when remission occurs, patients begin to lead a normal lifestyle and still live.

As Makarov noted, this is especially clearly seen in the case of glioblastoma, a malignant tumor that, according to him, quite often began to affect leading artists and cultural figures, and, “unfortunately, with a sad result.”

“So far, only Anastasia Zavorotnyuk remains, who is struggling with this disease, and we are also trying to take part in it,” he said.

According to him, the relatives of Zavorotnyuk passed the cells of her tumor to the specialists, and the viruses that kill them have already been selected.

“But so far the situation there is not so alarming as to apply our technology,” added Makarov.

Zavorotnyuk's disease was reported at the end of the summer of 2019. A number of media wrote that she has brain cancer.