[Global Times Comprehensive Report] According to the Hong Kong Oriental Daily News reported on the 11th, this year's May Day holiday, mainland visitors to Hong Kong fell sharply, only 219 mainland tourists entered the country in the first two days, a drop of more than 99% compared with the same period last year. The Federation of Trade Unions ’Tourism Commission issued a questionnaire to residents of the Mainland and Hong Kong, and found that more than 60% of the respondents in both places believed that the most important factor affecting the arrival of mainland tourists in Hong Kong was caused by the“ revision storm ”last year. Security concerns.

  According to Liang Fangyuan, chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions' Tourism Industry Committee, based on the experience of "SARS", China has launched a free travel plan to promote tourism, retail and catering industries, reflecting that free travel can help Hong Kong's economy. Wu Qiubei, chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions, said that he would make suggestions to the Mainland in the future, including partial openness and freedom of travel, setting a limit on the number of people who can visit Hong Kong on a single day, and organizing different people to visit Hong Kong for exchanges. (Yu Ming)