Muriel Penicaud and Julien Denormandie visit a site that is resuming its activity while respecting the barrier gestures in Montevrain, near Paris on May 12, 2020. - AFP

Will the construction industry restart quickly? This is the wish of the Minister of Housing, Julien Denormandie, while the building sector was largely paralyzed during the confinement. "We have to be very ambitious with a goal which is the resumption of all construction sites before the end of the month [of May]", declared Julien Denormandie on the BFMTV channel.

Bruno Le Maire on a building site Monday

Many projects have been shutdown for two months, following the containment measures decreed in mid-March to combat the spread of the coronavirus. With the end of confinement on Monday, the government is focusing on the building sector to embody the economic recovery it wants to witness. The Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, thus visited a construction site on Monday.

"Recovery is not only necessary but it is also possible," insisted Julien Denormandie, who himself came out of a site visit in Seine-et-Marne alongside the Minister of Labor, Muriel Pénicaud. According to the Minister of Housing, more than half of the sites have now returned to France, while the proportion was only a large third in early April. He sees this as a sign that a complete recovery is possible.

Customer doubts

The building sector is nevertheless skeptical about such a prospect, ensuring that it is not lacking in will but that it finds itself confronted with the procrastination of its own customers, public and private, for health and financial reasons.

"Here or there, there can be difficulties because not all sites are the same," admitted Julien Denormandie. “But you have to have an ambitious goal and therefore allow yourself these few weeks to allow the entire recovery. "


Bruno Le Maire calls on the French to "return to work" after May 11


Deconfinement: 400,000 companies will reopen on Monday, representing 875,000 jobs

  • Deconfinement
  • Society
  • Economy
  • Job
  • Works
  • Employment
  • Construction