[Commentary] On May 11, more than 967,000 elementary school students in Zhengzhou returned to campus classrooms in batches, and this has also marked the realization of a comprehensive and orderly return to school in Henan provincial capital.

  On that day, the reporter visited many primary schools in Zhengzhou and saw that under the guidance of teachers, the students lined up one meter apart and entered the school through the temperature measurement channel in an orderly manner. The scene was in order. Anti-epidemic may wish to love, long-lost teachers and students hug each other in the air, to show the joy of meeting.

  [Same period] (Cai Ruimin, principal of Dandelion Primary School, Zhengdong New District, Zhengzhou City) As educators, each of us has a childlike innocence. After so long online teaching, each of our teachers is looking forward to seeing our children. In the early morning of today, all of our teachers will give the children a big hug. We nodded and gestured to understand the feeling of what we want to say. After all, the contact time is long, and every child has deep feelings.

  【Explanation】 In the campus of No. 2 Primary School of Wenhua Road in Jinshui District, students go to and from school, enter and exit classrooms, enter toilets, sports fields and other activities, all in line and orderly according to the closed loop line. When talking about returning to Kyubei Campus, students said that I am happy, and my parents are also happy.

  [Same period] (Zeng Xinlan, a student of the Second Primary School of Wenhua Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City) I am usually more cheerful and lively at home, and sometimes make some mistakes, and sometimes (naughty), my parents will say ( I) is the "little beast". I feel that I am actually very happy to go to school. When (parents) sent me to school, they were happy. Although they didn't tell me, I thought they were also very happy.

  [Same period] (Mr. Yan, the student's parent) accompanied the children at home. This winter vacation is long and too long. No one thought of it for 4 months, from winter to summer. Children must be troublesome at home, because they usually do n’t go out too much, and stay at home for too long. (School starts today) I feel very happy. I hope the children will take classes in school. Because what is learned at school is much better than at home, and there are students in the school, there is a learning atmosphere, and the teacher can also facilitate timely guidance.

  [Explanation] It is understood that the difficulty and pressure of prevention and control of primary school students to return to school and the epidemic prevention of campus from home to campus are relatively increased. Zhengzhou requires that all schools must pay close attention to teachers and students on their way back to school, on their way to and from school, activities on campus, etc., do closed-loop management, implement grading, class placement, and drop-out. In addition, after returning to school, primary and secondary school students must adhere to the "two points and one line at home and school", adopting separate routes, staggering the peak hours of commuting to work, walking, cycling, and parental transportation to minimize the risk of infection.

  After a long holiday, how to return students to the normal class mode from the holiday mentality? Zhao Jianna, deputy principal of Wenhua Road Second Primary School, gave parents and students three suggestions.

  [Same period] (Zhen Jianna, Vice President of the Second Primary School of Wenhua Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City) The first aspect focuses on students' psychology, for example, to help students eliminate his anxiety and guide students to understand the epidemic correctly and scientifically. At the same time, we must also face some small emotions that may appear with the students. The second is that parents should be careful in their daily care, regardless of their habits and preparations before returning to school. The third is academic support. We can communicate, review, and consolidate the online learning content of students through full communication with teachers and homeschooling, so that we can adapt to the transition period from online to offline faster. . Of course, there is a saying that the enemy of education is that parents are too afraid of trouble. Therefore, we also hope that each of our parents can face and act together with their children. This is the most important thing.

  Reporter Li Chaoqing Kanli Henan reported

Editor in charge: [Wang Kai]