The La Baule embankment during containment. - S. Salom-Gomis / Sipa

  • The final plan to exit containment was presented this Thursday by Edouard Philippe from the Hôtel de Matignon, after almost two months of complete foreclosure of the country.
  • The French will be able to find certain places which are dear to them, but under conditions.

After two months at home, those who are like lions in cages are impatiently waiting for May 11. Edouard Philippe detailed this Thursday the conditions under which the deconfinement would take place. Because it will be "progressive" and with many restrictions.

To help you organize your schedule for the coming weeks, 20 Minutes will tell you which places will be available to you again, and under what conditions.

Can you return to the office?

Theoretically yes, but in reality, it will not be so obvious. Because in Ile-de-France, the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, asked businesses "to make maximum use of telework" and residents to limit their trips to the bare essentials. And the arrival and departure times of employees must be staggered to limit the crowds in public transport during peak hours. In addition, given the health rules to be adopted in companies, the number of employees who will be able to work on site will be limited.

In which shops can you go?

Hairdressers, clothes shop, florists, bookstores ... These businesses will reach out. But still not bars, cafes and restaurants. For fans of shopping centers (yes, yes, there are!), They can once again stroll through these temples of consumption. Those of more than 40,000 square meters may reopen after agreement of the prefect, except in Ile-de-France, where the virus is still circulating too actively. But the shopping operation is likely to be less pleasant than before confinement, since a count of customers at the entrance to the stores is planned and it will not always be possible to try on the clothes.

In which natural spaces can you walk?

For green departments, parks and gardens can reopen on the 11th. But if you live in a red department, you will have to wait to smell the flowers. If you dream of smelling the sweet scent of sea spray, know that the opening of the beaches will be possible on a case-by-case basis with the authorization of the prefect at the request of the mayors. Ditto for the lakes.

Where can you go on weekends or holidays?

Within a radius of 100 km if you decide to leave your department of residence. And this, without certification. But "travel more than 100 km within his department of residence remains possible," said Thursday the Minister of the Interior, Christophe Castaner. And beware of those who want to push their vehicle a little further or jump on a train for a long journey. "Checks will be organized in stations, terminals or on certain sections of motorways and high traffic roads. They may also be available when tourist destinations arrive, ”warned the Minister of the Interior. For a change of scenery, come back!

What cultural places will be accessible?

Do you need escape and artistic beauty in these difficult times? Unfortunately, cultural places will only reopen in drops. "Will be able to reopen libraries, museums, media libraries," continued the Minister, stressing that barrier gestures and physical distance must be respected. However, "cinemas and concert halls will remain closed," he said, noting further that "no event of more than 5,000 people" can take place before September.

Where will you be able to see friends or family?

A little more and you would no longer recognize your best friend. Especially that he became bearded during confinement and that he gained a few pounds… But from Monday, you will be able to see him again, at home or at home and respecting the barrier gestures. Ditto for your parents, brothers and sisters ... But no need to imagine organizing a big post-confinement party, because meetings between relatives are limited to 10 people maximum. Same rule if you set up an appointment with your friends on the village square or in the street.

Where can you play sports?

You can jog even away from home, do a dance session with your super masked girlfriend, straddle your bike ... But still not go to the pool or your favorite gym. Because Christophe Castaner has confirmed that "covered sports venues will remain closed".

Will it be possible to go to the church, synagogue or mosque?

Not possible to have the youngest baptized in two weeks or to go and pray for Eid at the mosque… Christophe Castaner said that he worked with the worship leaders “on the conditions of a resumption of religious ceremonies” with the public “d 'here at the end of the month'. On Monday, the Prime Minister announced that the government was "ready to study" the resumption of religious services with the public on May 29, instead of the date of June 2 previously established.


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Deconfinement: Four regions in red including Ile-de-France, plus Mayotte

  • Teacher
  • Students
  • Confinement
  • school
  • Jean-Michel Blanquer
  • Education
  • Deconfinement
  • Society