Gambia: why was journalist Deyda Hydara murdered in 2004?

Journalist Pap Saine, co-founder of The Point newspaper, holding a photo of his friend Deyda Hydara, at The Point newspaper premises (photo taken July 23, 2019). © RFI / Romain Chanson

By: Romain Chanson Follow

Two former thugs of former President Yahya Jammeh confessed to shooting journalist Deyda Hydara. But, for the moment, no legal proceedings have been launched against them.


The culprits, the sponsor and the procedure are now known. On the evening of December 16, 2004, journalist Deyda Hydara was chased by death squads under the orders of former dictator Yahya Jammeh.

They killed the co-founder of The Point newspaper , with at least three bullets in the body. This tireless defender of press freedom had become the bane of the tyrant Jammeh.

Among the four assassins, the chief of operations, Tumbul Tamba, died. Sanna Manjang, accused of numerous crimes, is under an arrest warrant for the murder of Deyda Hydara, he fled the country in 2017 and he is currently living in Guinea Bissau.

In late July, the other two members of the punitive expedition testified before the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission. They were detained in military prison during their hearing. One, Malick Jatta, was released in early August along with three other Junglers, Yahya Jammeh's henchmen. His release should encourage other alleged perpetrators to come and tell the truth, said the Minister of Justice.

For Deyda Hydara's family, this release is a betrayal. On December 6, a petition was filed with the Department of Justice requesting the Junglers' return to detention.

For fifteen years, the newspaper The Point has posted this question "  who killed Deyda Hydara  "? Today, the family wonders who will answer for this crime?

► Gambia: “Deyda Hidara will remain in the annals of journalism”

(Replay of December 16, 2019)

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  • Gambia
  • Yahya Jammeh

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