These days, the risk of fire is increasing.

Dry warnings are provided on the east coast of Gyeongbuk and inland Gyeongbuk, and dry warnings are provided in most parts of the country except the west coast.

In addition, the wind will be even stronger from the afternoon of tomorrow (28th). There is a possibility that a strong wind report will be issued in the northern part of Yeongdong and mountainous areas.

Even a small fire can be a big fire, so you have to be extra cautious.

The day will get warmer as it gets more and more.

Tomorrow, Seoul's daytime temperature will rise to 20 degrees, and it will reach 25 degrees later in the week.

It will be warmer than spring weather at this time.

However, there are still chilly places in the morning.

Especially in the central inland area, the morning temperature will drop to near 0 degrees.

The sky will be mostly clear, and there will be no worry about fine dust tomorrow.

There is no rain forecast for the time being.

Dry weather is expected to continue.

(Lee Yeo-jin Weather Caster)