[Commentary] 59-year-old Wang Jinliang is a language teacher in Dongluwan Primary School, Songfan Central Primary School, Changshan County, Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province, and has been teaching books in rural schools for 37 years. The sudden outbreak prevented the teachers and students from starting school. Wang Jinliang walked more than 30 kilometers a day, traversed 8 natural villages, and sent homework to 35 students in the class.

  [Commentary] It is understood that Wang Jinliang walks to each village at more than 5 o'clock every morning and sends the approved homework to the children. Some children did not get up, so he placed the homework in front of the students' home according to the agreement.

  [Same period] Teacher Wang Jinliang

  I think there are still some gains from walking. One is that my body gets exercised; the other, that is, I walked like this, that is to say, I set an example for my students because my teacher asked them to exercise more. 

  【Explanation】 Wang Jinliang told reporters that he usually likes walking. Although riding a battery car can be more convenient, it often needs to consider its power supply, which is more troublesome, and walking is also beneficial to health. He has also tried online teaching, watching the aerial classroom with the students at the same time, and approving the children's homework on the mobile phone, but found that the learning effect is not ideal.

  [Same period] Teacher Wang Jinliang

  Some of us are brought by grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, and their parents' smart machines (take away) are going to work again, and work is resumed. Most of his grandparents, grandparents, and grandparents are elderly machines. The homework submission rate is still low. So I want to take homework (correction) from the students and children homework and send it out the next morning.

  [Commentary] Students who are familiar with this "pattern", some stand in front of their house early in the morning and wait. The teachers and students greeted a few words, and Teacher Wang handed over the homework to them, then waved goodbye and went on to the next student's home.

  【Same period】 Student Wang Mengni

  Normally, when I have n’t gotten up, Mr. Wang has already sent the homework. He arrives early every day, and then sends it over. Every day at around three in the afternoon, he will come over regularly to help us correct the homework. He wrote the homework and then took it away, feeling that he was very hardworking.

  [Same period] Student Wang Jing

  I feel that the teacher is very hard and worth learning. I will study hard, work hard, and reward teachers with excellent results.

  [Commentary] Wang Jinliang said that the students have reached the critical moment of the sixth grade. He does not want to delay the course because of the epidemic. As a teacher, I always want to make them better.

  [Same period] Teacher Wang Jinliang

  The sixth grade, they are the last stop in the elementary school, they will be promoted to middle school, to have such a good habit in the middle school, then they can make more contributions to society. I feel that as party members and teachers, we must treat them with such a sense of responsibility so that they can grow better and contribute to society in the future.

  Reporter Bao Chengkang video source Changshan County Party Committee Propaganda Department Zhejiang Changshan reported

Editor in charge: [Li Yuxin]