Xinhua News Agency, Wuhan, April 21st (Reporters Le Wenwan, Xiao Yijiu) On the 21st, Wuhan City held the first on-site job fair for resumption of production and remanufacturing enterprises in 2020, with 281 companies participating and more than 3,500 people signing contracts or reaching employment intentions .

  This event was organized by the Wuhan Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. The first on-site job fair set up 7 branch venues including Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone, East Lake New Technology Development Zone, Dongxihu District, Caidian District, Jiangxia District, Huangpi District, Xinzhou District, etc. . A total of 281 companies participated in the conference, providing 10017 jobs, attracting 7,248 workers to apply for jobs, 3528 people signed on-site or reached employment intentions.

  According to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, all participants must scan the code and show the green Hubei health code, wear a mask, and accept the temperature test. Each recruitment booth and queuing job applicants must maintain a separation distance of more than 1.5 meters.

  At 9 o'clock in the morning, in the Wuhan Development Zone meeting place, dozens of job applicants waited in line under the rain shed. The 44-year-old Zhu Xiulian was originally a quality inspector of a glass factory and was unemployed due to the epidemic. She found a general job in a garment factory at the job fair. "I haven't done any related work before, and I don't know if I am suitable. But it's not easy to get a job, it can't be too picky," she said.

  The Wuhan Nature Hotel is closed due to the epidemic, and more than 200 employees in the store are at home. As the epidemic prevention and control situation improved, Xu Juzhen, the person in charge of the hotel, helped more than 60 employees in the store to find short-term jobs, such as porters, assemblers, and shopping guides.

  On the morning of the 21st, Xu Juzhen brought his employees to the Dongxihu conference venue to help the three people find packaging work. She expects to hire these employees again after the hotel has resumed dine-in.

  On the basis of promoting online recruitment, Wuhan Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau will continue to organize small-scale, multi-frequency and precise on-site recruitment activities in 7 urban areas (development zones). The activities will continue until the end of June. It is expected that the city will hold no less than 70 job fairs, providing about 30,000 jobs. After the conditions are ripe, it will be gradually promoted and held in other urban areas.