Let's be honest. Self-isolation of all finished. Everyone began to argue and curse at the slightest occasion. So, on Holy Saturday, on the eve of Easter, people harassed each other in social networks with disputes about the correctness or incorrectness of the decision to close Moscow churches for Easter services for visitors, and on Sunday Baza published information that a service with parishioners nevertheless took place in Moscow - on special invitations. Moreover, among the guests were those who arrived in executive cars, as well as famous people. Later, in the Moscow church of Sofia, the Wisdom of God, it was reported that the information in the publication was untrue, only clergy and singers went to the procession, and those who served the church remained inside.

One way or another, this story once again clearly showed that there is now a huge communication problem between the government and society in the context of, to put it mildly, a long contingency.

In any contingency, emergency, nightmare - call it whatever you like - the situation has one basic principle.

The rules are the same for everyone. Poor, rich, influential, simple, young and old. There are no exceptions and cannot be.

And the elite should set an absolute example of full compliance with the rules and be a model.

We see that the Swedish princess is going to work as a nurse in the hospital. My volunteer went to the hospital as an old friend. No, not from Rublevka. From Golyanov. It’s clear that you can’t require people to perform a feat - it’s voluntary, but we still remember too well how people flew back to Courchevel in March to celebrate their holiday, and then, without quarantining, posted photos from events on social networks . Where could they reboot others.

Now it’s obvious: after almost a month of forced house arrest, everyone, even the most rational and adequate, has the nerves to the limit. As my psychiatrist friend says: "Every day you are getting closer to our day hospital." In Vladikavkaz, people who lost their sense of self-preservation from fear and economic uncertainty went to a rally. In social networks, people demand either the introduction of an army and martial law, or the removal of all restrictions.

And in such a situation, it is very important how the government and the elite build their public communication with society.

The main principle: do not violate your own rules.

Governor - go in a mask and gloves, without assistants, driver, security, in a private car, keep your distance with people.

Meeting? Through the application.

No Instagram photos, "and I’m rushing by car into the walls of my home office." There is no “I test for coronavirus five times a day” - this is not necessary, and ordinary people are not available at prices. If it turns out that there was a meeting or a meeting, and then the deputy or official had a coronavirus, give an example: defiantly hard quarantine.

The second important principle is the humanity of communication. Appeals against the background of coats of arms and portraits and in pre-self-isolating times in 2020 caused even journalists only smiles: the picture is dead. And now it looks like an appeal from a parallel universe. People in slippers and home clothes are not interested and even irritated to look at the ironed official in a suit with a tie at the workplace. Write a message from home.

Yes, to the phone. Yes, in a home sweater. It's okay if a cat gets into the frame.

And the most important thing. Yes, you explain, my nameless interlocutor-official, that you love people. That everything that you do, you do only because other people's lives are important to you. Just because you personally love and respect every citizen, every person who is in your area of ​​responsibility.

Because otherwise people look at it all and think: “And if they don’t comply, then why should I abide?”, “If these don’t respect me, then why should I respect them?”

This general problem of communication had to be solved a month ago. And now it must be solved in a fire order.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.