China News Agency, Hong Kong, April 18: According to media enquiries, the Hong Kong police arrested a number of suspected organizations and persons who participated in unauthorized assembly on the 18th. The Security Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government responded to the incident, saying that the police strictly act in accordance with the law and everyone is equal before the law. No one can enjoy privileges.

  A spokesman for the Security Bureau stated that under section 10 of the Police Force Ordinance (Cap. 232), the police force is obliged to take legal measures to arrest all persons who can be lawfully arrested and have sufficient reason to arrest them. The arrests are based on the evidence obtained by the police investigation and act in strict accordance with relevant laws.

  A spokesman for the Security Bureau emphasized that in Hong Kong, everyone is equal before the law, and no one can override the law or break the law without facing the consequences. If there is evidence that anyone violates the law, no matter what his or her status or background, he or she must face legal sanctions, and no one can enjoy the privileges. The police will deal with the law fairly, impartially and impartially.

  According to Hong Kong media reports, those arrested by the police on that day included Li Zhiying, Li Zhuming, Yang Sen, Shan Zhongkai, He Junren, Li Zhuoren, Ou Nuoxuan, Wu Miyi, He Xiulan, Huang Haoming, Liang Guoxiong, Wu Wenyuan, Chen Haohuan and Cai Yaochang. (Finish)