【Explanation】 Technical transformation of the old pipe network, maintenance and repair of the heat source and heating pipe network ... Just after the heating season in Changchun, Jilin, located in the middle of the northeast region, Bao Haitao was busy.

Bao Haitao is the head of Dongsheng Station, the second business unit of Changchun Heating (Group) Co., Ltd. On April 13, he walked into the heat exchange station of the district as planned to inspect and maintain the equipment that had just stopped heating.

Northeast China is located in a cold area, and heating is an extremely important livelihood project. In early April, as the heating seasons ended in various places, a huge maintenance project was launched in full swing.

Every day, Bao Haitao either walks into the ground or digs up the ground, carefully inspecting and maintaining each heating main network and the heat exchange station of each heating community.

He told reporters that this work has been carried out since the middle of March. Those pipelines are like "capillaries" that guarantee the temperature of the city and require careful care. Because of this, Bao Haitao has also become "detailed control."

[Same period] (Bao Haitao, Director of Dongsheng Station, Erdao Business Department, Changchun Thermal Power (Group) Co., Ltd.) We have a routine inspection every day, and there is a basic inspection of the valves in these stations. And inspection, because we have a work plan every day, according to the directional quantitative inspection and inspection of equipment, so that each equipment can be comprehensive and detailed maintenance, so that no one item, one device is not missed.

[Explanation] "Winter disease and summer treatment" is a working code in the heating industry. In the non-heating season, the staff should carry out technical transformation of all old pipe networks, investigate and manage all hidden safety hazards, and make active preparations for improving the heat source guarantee capacity in the next winter.

[Same period] (Bao Haitao, Director of Dongsheng Station, Erdao Division, Changchun Thermal Power (Group) Co., Ltd.) After running a heating period, it is already in a state of fatigue. If we say that we do not perform maintenance on these devices in the summer, then in winter, for example, the valve will not open and close properly, and our circulation pump and mechanical seal will leak.

[Explanation] Bao Haitao said that he now inspects the four heat exchange stations in the jurisdiction every day. Although walking will be tiring, it will never affect the "quality of service".

For the "Bao Haitaos" in this city, the arrival of the non-heating season means a busy start. Waiting for them is tens of thousands of pipelines waiting for repair and maintenance, and it is the responsibility of the next heating season to deliver temperature to the city.

Reporter Lu Shengnan from Changchun

Editor in charge: [Li Ji]