The return of borders in Europe

Audio 7:30 p.m.

A sign marking entry to Schengen, Luxembourg Reuters / 路透社

By: Anne Cantener Follow

This is one of the consequences of covid19: in an ultra-globalized world, the coronavirus pandemic has pushed affected countries to re-establish barriers. Borders are back, including in Europe, while the movement of people is at the heart of the principles of the European Union.


Why did the countries choose to re-establish controls and above all why did they take these decisions individually? Can we return to free movement in the Schengen area? How are Europeans going to organize themselves to reopen the borders?

Our guests :
Thierry Chopin , professor of political science at ESPOL (Catholic University of Lille), special advisor to the Jacques Delors Institute
Patrick Martin-Genier , specialist in European issues, teacher at Sciences Po and author of L'Europe a-se-elle-elle-elle-elle-elle-elle-elle-elle-elle-elle-elle-she-she (Studyrama 2019)

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