• Symptoms How it is transmitted and how to treat coronavirus
  • Map.Evolution of the coronavirus by autonomy
  • Masks.Its effectiveness is linked to hygiene and social distance.

The deadline for filing and paying taxes for the self-employed and SMEs is extended to May 20 from the expected April 20 due to the coronavirus crisis in Spain . The Government has set itself the goal of bending the pandemic curve in seven days when today the number of infections increases by 3,045, which falls, and the number of deaths, 567 people in the last 24 hours, which rebounds slightly, while continuing with the distribution of masks and the intervention of clinics and private centers for diagnostic tests of Covid-19.

Coronavirus data in Spain

    Source: Ministry of Health

    Total numbers: 172,541 diagnosed coronavirus cases, 18,056 deaths

  • 48,048 in Madrid (6,568 dead)
  • 35,197 in Catalonia (3,666 deaths)
  • 14,329 in Castilla-La Mancha (1,714 dead)
  • 13,180 in Castilla y León (1,299 dead)
  • 11,226 in the Basque Country (859 dead)
  • 10,192 in Andalusia (836 dead)
  • 9,213 in the Valencian Community (907 dead)
  • 7,597 in Galicia (290 dead)
  • 4,245 in Aragon (492 dead)
  • 4,150 in Navarra (249 dead)
  • 3,420 in La Rioja (234 dead)
  • 2,684 in Extremadura (334 dead)
  • 2,051 in Asturias (156 dead)
  • 1,958 in the Canary Islands (102 dead)
  • 1,796 in Cantabria (120 dead)
  • 1,571 in the Balearic Islands (118 dead)
  • 1,487 in Murcia (106 dead)
  • 101 in Melilla (2 dead)
  • 96 in Ceuta (4 dead)
  • 67,504 people have been cured

17:19 Coronavirus: the independentistas prisoners will be able to leave to work from tomorrow if their companies are open

Prisoners in Catalonia classified with the third degree or to whom article 100.2 of the Penitentiary Regulation applies to work may leave prison from Wednesday to go to their work centers, if their jobs belong to one of the sectors that have retaken the activity during the alarm state. Forcadell or Bassa, for example, will have to remain in prison since their outings were to take care of relatives, reports Europa Press.

16:39 Those affected by coronavirus in the Community of Madrid are already more than 300,000

The number of people affected by the coronavirus in the Community of Madrid already exceeds the 300,000 barrier. To the 48,048 cases confirmed by test, there are another 233,000 people who have presented the symptoms associated with Covid-19 but who have remained or are now isolated in their homes with telephone medical follow-up.

The data has been provided by the Health Minister, Enrique Ruiz Escudero, in a video conference appearance at the Regional Assembly. In his speech he also detailed that the phone enabled for this crisis (900 102 112) has received half a million calls and that the 'Coronamadrid' app has had 480,000 accesses. Read Marta Belver's complete information.

16:28 Hundreds of victims in nursing homes shoot up the death toll from coronavirus in the United Kingdom

At least 521 elderly have died in the 2,200 residences where the presence of the virus has been detected, causing 12,107 hospital victims (778 in the last 24 hours). Read Carlos Fresneda's complete information.

16:20 The King will meet with the ministers of Universities and Labor, the first of United We Can

The King will meet next Thursday with the Minister of Universities, Manuel Castells, and on Monday, with that of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, in the framework of his round of contacts with members of the Government to analyze the crisis of Covid-19 and learn about the measures and actions that they have put in place or plan to implement to deal with the pandemic, sources from both ministries have confirmed to Europa Press.

It will foreseeably be the first meetings that the King will hold with United We can ministers since this round of contacts began, unless between now and Thursday Felipe VI receives some other member of the Government with whom the organization is led. by the second vice president, Pablo Iglesias.

16:13 From yellow viruses to 1.714 million masks: the conspiracy theories of separatism

The Generalitat accuses the State of sending 1,174 million masks to Catalonia to mock 1,714, the most symbolic date of Catalan independence, and receives an avalanche of criticism. Read Víctor Mondelo's complete information.

16:04 Trader merchants will not pay occupancy rate during coronavirus pandemic

The Madrid City Council has decided to suspend the occupancy rate in the public domain for the Rastro stalls for as long as they do not carry out their commercial activity "in support of merchants and hoteliers". The measure will materialize by discounting the amount of the annual enrollment of the positions for the time that the market has not been installed, reports Pablo R. Roces .

15:56 Treasury approves a moratorium for 3.4 million self-employed people and SMEs to the limit and paralyzes the collection of already domiciled payments

Just a day before the deadline to settle the payment and 14 days after the term to pay the taxes began, the Cabinet approved a tax moratorium on Tuesday that will benefit, according to its estimates, 3.4 million self-employed workers and small and medium businesses. Read the complete information of Daniel Viaña .

15:52 A judge investigates the Government's rejection of a field hospital set up by the Civil Guard

A court investigates whether there could be a crime by the Health Department of the Generalitat by not allowing a field hospital set up by the Civil Guard and the Sant Andreu de la Barca City Council (Barcelona) to enter into operation in a sports center in this town . Read the complete information of Germán González and Héctor Marín

15:47 UK announces 778 new coronavirus deaths and exceeds 12,000

The United Kingdom announces 778 new deaths from coronavirus and has exceeded 12,000 since the pandemic began, reports France Presse.

15:30 Portugal adds 567 deaths from coronavirus, a third in nursing homes

Portugal already has 567 deaths from COVID-19, 35 more than on Monday, of which a third have been registered in nursing homes.

The Portuguese Secretary of State for Health, António Sales, explained today at a press conference that the number of infections rose by 3% in the last 24 hours, to 17,448 positive for coronavirus.

More than half of those infected (10,302) and those who died (321) due to coronaviruses are counted in the Northern region of Portugal and, according to the general director of Health, Graça Freitas, it is because many people in this area, over all businessmen, traveled to the Italian area of ​​Lombardy when the pandemic was progressing the most and caused the consequent chains of infections.

Portugal has achieved an average of 18,000 tests for every million inhabitants, with a total of 190,000 tests since March 1, reports Efe.

15:14 The seven big cities ask the government to allocate their surplus "without limitations" to fight the coronavirus

"That we be allowed to make use of the accumulated remnants of previous financial years without any type of limitation." That is the first point of an agreement that the mayors of seven of the main Spanish cities - Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Seville, Murcia, Zaragoza and Malaga - have signed this Tuesday after more than two hours of telematic meeting and in which they request to the central government the use of the surplus generated by its municipalities in the fight against the coronavirus. Read the complete information of Pablo R. Roces .

14:47 Coronavirus: Family doctors advise enriching the diet and exposing yourself to the sun to compensate for vitamin D deficiency

The Spanish Society of General and Family Physicians (Semg) recommends exposing yourself to the sun and including products rich in vitamin D in the diet to compensate for the deficiency of this vitamin during isolation. Experts propose sunbathing daily from terraces, balconies or windows for 10 or 15 minutes a day in arms, legs and face, "increasing as much as possible the skin surface in contact with the sun in order to synthesize more vitamin D." They advise sunbathing in the central hours of the day with the sun high and trying not to burn the foot and without using sun creams. The second measure they propose is to increase in the diet plant and animal products that have vitamin D, for example, blue fish such as salmon, anchovies, herrings or sardines; mushrooms and mushrooms such as mushrooms, seafood, eggs, avocado and cereals, reports Servimedia.

14:37 The IMF expects the Spanish economy to fall this year more than in the entire crisis from 2008 to 2013

Six years in one. That is the fall that the Spanish economy will experience in 2020, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The expected drop in GDP is 8%, concentrated in the first two quarters of the year, that is, in the six months from January to June. If we take as a reference the six years that go from 2008 - when the crisis of the junk mortgages in the US broke out - to 2013 - the year in which Spain grew again in a sustained way with the end of the Euro-crisis -, the fall was 7%. Read Pablo Pardo's complete information.

14:34 A worker from Moncloa dies of coronavirus after the multitude of infections

The coronavirus epidemic has caused the first fatality among workers at the Palacio de La Moncloa complex. The deceased is Manuel Sánchez Lizana. Her name is the only information that María Jesús Montero has offered at the press conference after the Council of Ministers, who has lamented the death of an "admirable" employee, he said, who has left "a great memory in this house". Read the complete information of Marisol Hernández .

14:25 Coronavirus: 13 deaths in traffic accidents at Easter, the lowest number since 1960

The Spanish roads have claimed the lives of 13 people between 3:00 p.m. on April 3 and until midnight on Monday, in what would have been the traditional period of Operation Easter Departure monitored by Traffic and that this year Due to restrictions due to the coronavirus , this has not been the case. It is the lowest death toll since accident statistics began to be produced in 1960. Until now, that record corresponded to Easter 2013 with 24 deceased. Read here the complete information of Félix Cerezo .

14:22 Coronavirus: The Generalitat completes the construction of a field hospital in Fira de Barcelona

The Generalitat Health Department has announced the end of the construction of the Fira Salut temporary hospital for those infected by coronavirus at the Fira de Barcelona facilities in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat. This equipment will have an initial capacity for 300 patients, although "it could accommodate 700 more quickly" in the face of a possible spike in Covid-19 cases, according to the Ministry. The Bellvitge Hospital will be in charge of the operational management of this healthcare space, reports Gerard Melgar .

14:19 A Boeing with 79 tons of sanitary material against the coronavirus lands in Madrid

The Community of Madrid has confirmed that a new Boeing 747 Jumbo jet from China has landed a few minutes ago at Madrid-Barajas Adolfo Suárez airport with a shipment of 79 tons of medical equipment that will be distributed "immediately" among hospitals in the region to deal with coronavirus. In total, in the four government-run aircraft chaired by Isabel Díaz Ayuso during this crisis, 332 tons of masks, gloves and other protective equipment have arrived in two weeks, reports Marta Belver .

13.59 Visual syndrome during confinement by coronavirus

Ophthalmologists warn of computer visual syndrome , an eye condition derived from the excess time we spend exposed to screens because of confinement and that must be avoided, reports Efe.

13.48 Ábalos studies "the degree of responsibility of citizens" in the coronavirus crisis

The Secretary General of Transport, María José Rallo, has detailed that the Ministry of Transport is taking advantage of the experience it already had in carrying out studies on mobility and demand for transport based on data from mobile phones to study that corresponding to the period of the state of alarm.

Rallo explained that this is a study carried out together with the Secretary of State for Digitization and Artificial Intelligence of the Ministry of Economic Affairs based on the "adaptation of the algorithms" of the studies that they had already been doing to "now analyze the degree of responsibility of citizens. "

Furthermore, surveillance of the 13 million mobile phones to control movements of more than 500 meters will report on "the effectiveness of the mobility restriction measures adopted and will contribute to decision-making during the de-escalation period," according to the report. the Ministry on its website.

However, the General Secretary for Transport has guaranteed that "anonymized" data is used and that data protection and digital rights guarantee legislation is scrupulously complied with, reports Europa Press.

13.26 Transport monitors more than 13 million mobile phones in the coronavirus pandemic

The Ministry of Transport is using the positioning data of some thirteen million mobile phones to study the mobility of citizens, especially movements of more than 500 meters , both during the state of alarm and in the subsequent de-escalation phase of confinement, Europa Press reports.

The Department headed by José Luis Ábalos offers the data from this analysis daily on its website, which, for example, indicates that this past April 10, in the middle of Easter, 31.5 million Spaniards did not move beyond that distance , more than double the 14.6 million that did not do so before confinement.

13.22 Historical decline in growth in the UK due to the coronavirus crisis

The UK's GDP could register a historical decrease of 13% in 2020, due to the blow inflicted on the economy by the coronavirus pandemic, according to a scenario based on a three-month containment of the country, as announced by a public institute.

The OBR, in charge of the government's economic and budgetary forecasts, also warns that the unemployment rate is likely to skyrocket to 7.3% in 2020, with a particularly strong shakeup in the second quarter. Its estimates are based on a three-month period of economic containment, followed by another three-month period during which restrictions would be gradually lifted, France Presse reports.

13.07 Hundreds of foreign health workers approved by the coronavirus crisis

The Government has approved 1,083 degrees of foreign health professionals this year to allow them to work in Spain during the coronavirus pandemic. The majority, more than 400, during the State of Alarm decreed on March 14.

In addition, another 223 Vocational Training titles have been approved for the health branch of professionals from other countries, reports Europa Press.

Of the medical group, 343 approvals have been granted, while in the nursing field, 43 titles have been issued during the Alarm State.

12.57 This is what happens in the supermarket in the coronavirus crisis

The confinement decreed by the state of alarm to stop the coronavirus has several exceptions in which citizens can go outside. One of them is to go shopping at the supermarket. However, in this small outing we can also catch it if we do not take the necessary precautionary measures. A study shows how aerosol particles emitted by coughing, sneezing and talking in a supermarket are transported in the air. What happens when someone coughs at the supermarket? How the coronavirus moves

12.48 The downward trend continues in Andalusia due to the coronavirus

The Andalusian community has recorded 21 more deaths from this disease in the last 24 hours, almost four times less than the most tragic day. The number of deaths from Covid-19 has risen to 836 since the pandemic was declared, according to information provided this Tuesday by the Ministry of Health. In addition, there is a slowdown in new infections, with 10,192 positives, 5 more than this Monday. The downward trend continues in Andalusia: 21 people die in the last hours from coronavirus

12.30 Homogeneous de-escalation due to the coronavirus crisis

Fernando Simón considers that a good part of the success of the measures adopted so far is due "to the fact that they have been carried out in a homogeneous manner" throughout the territory, for which reason the director of Health Alerts has expressed his suspicion of carrying out de-escalation confinement and the restrictions on mobility imposed by the coronavirus epidemic at different rates in the different regions, reports Laura G. Ibañes.

12.26 Without data on deaths from coronavirus in residences

The director of Alerts and Emergencies has recognized that there are already 22,672 infected toilets and that a study is being carried out at the National Center for Epidemiology to find out their evolution "some of them unfortunately have died but in general the severity among them has been less than from the rest of the population and many of them have already been cured and returned "to their work, reports Laura G. Ibañes.

One more day, the data of deceased in the residences have remained without being made public. Simón has recognized that the deadline for the autonomies to deliver the data on the residences expired last week "but the analysis of the residences is more complex than that of the rest because there are many more factors than in the other groups. When we can do that analysis we will offer the data. "

12.10 Closure of the Majadahonda morgue due to the coronavirus

The Community of Madrid has closed this Tuesday the morgue set up in the Majadahonda Ice Palace to receive the deceased by the coronavirus. This infrastructure has contributed to dealing with the consequences of the pandemic for 10 days, in which it has housed 162 bodies.

"Now, due to the lower needs of the region's funeral services, the regional government has decided to close it," explained the Executive of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who has personally come to officialize the end of its function as "temporary compound and extraordinary "for the accumulation of coffins. Yes, the Ice Palace in the capital, which has already received 1,145 corpses, and the building of the future Institute of Legal Medicine, in Valdebebas, with 478, continue operating, reports Marta Bellver. Madrid closes the morgue of the Majadahonda Ice Palace after the descent of the deceased with coronavirus

11.59 The control of private test centers seeks to control the expansion of the coronavirus

"The PCRs are one of the key pieces to isolate the positives. That is why we cannot allow that in a period of scarcity the PCRs are used in population groups that are not effective and, on the other hand, the resources are not low the protection of the autonomous communities, "explained Fernando Simón, director of Health Alerts, about the order published today by the BOE for the intervention by the Government of private centers that test Covid-19.

"The order ensures that the results of the PCR are known so that an official accounting of the disease can be kept, that there are no abuses and that PCR is not carried out when the probability that the positive result is really low," added Simón in the daily press conference on the pandemic data in Spain, followed by Laura G. Ibañes . The Government intervenes private laboratories to limit the price of coronavirus detection tests

11.42 Spain has a lethality of 10% and Germany of 2% due to coronavirus

Regarding the fatalities, Simón has detailed that "we continue to have a significant number of deceased, 567 new deceased, but these data continue with the downward trend. The ICU continue to be in a situation of stress but their situation is already stabilized. And the lethality that we observe is similar throughout Europe, with 10%, except in Germany, which has a more advantageous situation with around 2% of lethality, "reports Laura G. Ibañes.

11.34 "The trends are good" says Simon who reappears after his coronavirus

"The number of cases is decreasing, it is true that this week is something peculiar due to the previous holidays. In any case, the trends we are observing are good. The increase in new cases has been 2%. I would have liked that we had had more cured than new cases and it has not occurred yet, but the cured are already 40% of the cases ", said the director of Alerts and Health Emergencies, Fernando Simón, has rejoined the wheels today press releases to assess the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic, after days isolated at home for having tested positive for coronavirus, reports Laura G. Ibañes.

11.09 Rebound in the death toll from coronavirus

In the last 24 hours, Spain has totaled 567 deaths from coronavirus and the death toll now rises to 18,056. The number of infected has increased by 3,045 and reaches 172,541 since the start of the pandemic, according to data from the Ministry of Health. The healed people are 67,504. Slight rebound in the coronavirus death curve: 567 deaths in the last 24 hours

11.04 Díaz-Ayuso will explain at his own request in May about the coronavirus

The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has proposed that her appearance at her own request in the Autonomous Assembly to report on the situation and the management of the coronavirus crisis be in a plenary session in May in the style of the debate of the region's stadium , that is, without a time limit on their interventions. "It is the most democratic in this exceptional situation," he said this Tuesday in a tweet, collected by Marta Belver.

10.58 They ask to open schools in summer due to the coronavirus crisis

A dozen confederations of parents, students, teachers and educational experts have written a letter to the Minister of Education, Isabel Celaá, and to the educational advisers of all the autonomous communities in which they ask her to take advantage of the summer for, if the health situation due to coronavirus, opening schools and institutes "to offer educational opportunities to all children", especially those who are in a disadvantaged situation or with an educational gap. Parents, teachers and students ask the Government and the CCAA to open schools in summer

10.54 Foment defends a vital minimum income to face the coronavirus

The president of Foment del Treball and vice-president of the CEOE, Josep Sánchez Llibre, has defended this Tuesday a minimum vital income so that the population can face the coronavirus crisis , provided that it is agreed.

"We would all have to agree on a vital minimum income, but this cannot be improvised. We have to sit down with businessmen, unions and governments," Sánchez Llibre said in an interview in Ser Cataluña collected by Europa Press.

"If this goes further and no action is taken, the social tsunami will overtake us," he warned, stressing that a new social pact is necessary to try to achieve maximum social cohesion.

10.51 Transport in Madrid after returning to work due to economic slowdown

On the first day after the end of the recoverable paid leave that allowed the return to work of some 300,000 Madrid residents, passengers on EMT buses only rose 4.2% compared to the previous Monday. Yesterday those municipal buses transported 125,986 passengers, which is 89.9% less than the equivalent day last year when they used this means 1,119,756, reports Pablo R. Roces.

For its part, the Madrid Metro has accounted for 60,162 passengers until 10:00 on this second business day after Easter and the return to work in industry and construction, which is 89% less than the same Tuesday in 2019, 39% more than Tuesday, March 31 and 4% more than yesterday, Monday, the company reports.

10.43 Summa doctor investigated for his comments on the coronavirus crisis

"I am wondering if these reds are worth saving from disease ... they are ungrateful, bad people." Those words of Summa 112 doctor Agustín de la Fuente through his Twitter account in the midst of a health crisis due to the coronavirus have led the Madrid College of Physicians to refer his case to the Deontology Commission, which will be in charge of evaluating the question and raise sanctions that could even lead to their disqualification. Summa doctor investigated for questioning on Twitter whether coronavirus "is worth saving reds"

10.38 Defense withdraws its troops in Afghanistan, Iraq and Mali due to the coronavirus

The armed forces have temporarily withdrawn troops from training missions in Afghanistan, Iraq and Mali due to the cessation of most of their activities due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

30 military personnel from the Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan and between 150 and 200 from the Nato Mission Iraq and Inherent Resolve missions from Iraq have withdrawn; In addition, the withdrawal of more than 100 troops from the European Union Training Mission in Mali (EUTM Mali) is planned.

In the rest of the operations, the armed forces keep the troops deployed and, in addition, the Air Force will deploy its contingent to the Baltic Air Police mission that will begin on May 1 in Lithuania.

Those soldiers who return to Spain and present symptoms compatible with Covid-19 will undergo a diagnostic test for the virus. In addition, they will pass a quarantine of 14 days after their return.

10.25 Poisoning with cleaning products due to the coronavirus

Detected an increase in the incidence of telephone consultations for poisonings managed by their doctors and related to the mixture of various cleaning products in homes in an attempt to prevent the Covid-19 virus from entering homes, according to the Toxicological Information Service (SIT) of the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences, belonging to the Ministry of Justice.

SIT doctors have attended 11,337 telephone consultations during the month of March and the first two weeks of April, which represents an increase of 1,655 calls compared to the same period in 2019, reports Angela Martialay .

The National Institute of Toxicology warns that in the case of the mixture of lyes with ammonia, which is the most common, a chemical reaction occurs that generates a gas called chloramine (NH2Cl), which is highly toxic, and when this comes into contact with our mucosa, decomposes to produce hydrochloric acid that is toxic and highly corrosive, causing irritation of the mucosa and burns on the skin.

10.12 Carmen Calvo and Fernando Simón return after overcoming the coronavirus

The first vice president of the Government Carmen Calvo has communicated through her Twitter account her medical discharge after overcoming her coronavirus infection and her incorporation, in person, to work. Calvo became hospitalized for a few days in a Madrid hospital and since March 26 he has been recovering at home.

Also today Fernando Simón , the director of Health Alerts and Emergencies of the Ministry of Health, will return to the activity, after having had to stay in his isolated home after being infected with Covid-19. Today, it will offer again the usual press conference, to update the data of this pandemic in Spain, whose curve has already been overcome, according to the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa.

Yesterday, the Minister of Territorial Policy and Public Function, Carolina Darias, returned to her public activity after being quarantined at her home since she tested positive for the coronavirus tests carried out on members of the Government.

10.09 Detained with 11 kilos of hashish in a check for the coronavirus

The Municipal Police arrested a Moroccan driver yesterday in the Moncloa district (Madrid) carrying 11 kilos of hashish hidden in a suitcase in the trunk of his car. The detainee assured the agents that he was bringing food to his older relatives. However, it was later discovered that he lived in Barcelona and that he had traveled to Madrid in search of drugs to return to Catalonia. The arrest occurred at a static vehicle control on Calle Doctor Ramón Castroviejo on the occasion of the measures imposed by the state of alarm in Royal Decree 463/2020. Arrested in a control in Madrid with 11 kilos of hashish when taking the purchase to his family in Barcelona

10.01 The coronavirus crisis is "an earthquake that has an aftershock every day"

The specific team for critical risk and biohazard transfers at SUMMA, which has faced complex situations such as Ebola or Crimea-Congo patients, has already accumulated almost 600 interhospital displacements of acute coronavirus patients , an unprecedented situation due to the sustained time.

"This is an earthquake that has an aftershock every day, without knowing how much aftershock you are going to have," the director of the Department of Disasters and Large Emergencies at SUMMA, Ángeles Semprún, told Europa Press.

This unit has, for example, a specific section integrated with the Ericam that, together with firefighters, go out in the face of earthquakes and are specialized in urban rescue but also carry out international outings, as evidenced by their presence in the last floods in Mozambique.

09.40 Distribution of masks for the coronavirus in Catalonia

Civil Protection and Red Cross volunteers have started to distribute the more than 1.7 million masks that the Government has delivered to Catalonia, which today resumes work activity, for distribution among passengers of the main transport stations in the territory, where activity is minimal.

The masks are offered by Red Cross volunteers to all passengers at the Barcelona-Sant station, and although they wear them, most of them collect them, reports Efe. Hardly half a dozen travelers waited at rush hour for the arrival of each convoy at this central station.

Between 400 and 500 volunteers, accompanied by police officers and divided into teams of between four and six, have gone to the train, metro and bus stations of towns with more than 30,000 inhabitants to distribute the masks to passengers who have already validated their transport ticket. The Government buys 20 million euros in masks from an entrepreneur with 'off shore' companies

09.30 Escrivá ensures the Government's will to "protect income"

"Willingness to protect incomes while the pandemic of those affected significantly by the Covid-19 virus lasts," said José Luis Escrivá, Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, in an interview on Antena 3.

The recovery has to be quick and sustained, "says the minister, although he has clarified that it depends on the economic sector." Much of the economy will rebound and leave quickly in many sectors, "Escrivá said, stressing the importance, for this, of "protecting income".

The minister has denied that there has been a debate within the government about de-escalation, but that there has been "harmony" in this regard. He points out that the de-escalation could be for autonomies and that "it is an option to explore". Why has Escriva stopped the minimum income proposed by Vice President Iglesias?

09.13 Private centers forced to test for coronavirus

The Ministry of Health establishes that the autonomous communities have private health centers to carry out diagnostic tests and adopt the necessary measures to regulate the tests for the detection of Covid-19, in order to avoid abusive situations in access to it. service. Up to 1,000 daily coronavirus tests are performed in private laboratories

Minister Salvador Illa obliges privately owned clinical diagnosis centers, services and establishments to be available to join or reinforce existing diagnostic circuits and to notify the competent health authority of the autonomous community of cases of coronoviruses that register, according to the Official State Gazette (BOE) published today and collected by Servimedia.

"In order to strengthen the National Health System, any center, service and health facility for clinical diagnosis is made available to the Autonomous Communities, which at the date of entry into force of the order is not providing services to the National System of Health This provision includes the possibility of adopting the necessary measures to regulate the prices of diagnostic tests for the detection of Covid-19, in order to avoid abusive situations in accessing this service, "reads the text. . The Government intervenes private laboratories to limit the price of coronavirus detection tests

09.00 Usain Bolt messes with his recommendation for the coronavirus

Athlete Usain Bolt has caused quite a stir on social media by posting a photo of his impressive victory in the 100 meters of the 2008 Beijing Olympics , titled Social Distance

The photo, by AFP photographer Nicolas Asfouri, shows the Jamaican athlete crossing the line in the 100-meter final, well ahead of all his competitors in Beijing, setting the world record in 9.69 seconds .

The publication accumulates more than 600,000 likes on Instagram, 500,000 on Twitter and 300,000 reactions on Facebook.

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  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
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  • Spain
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  • Masks

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