Preventing the spread of infection Call for “history records” at local governments and universities April 20, 20:48

In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, local governments and universities have been calling on residents and students to record their behavioral history, such as places and times they visited, and people they met.

In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, it is important to understand the exact route of transmission.

For this reason, local governments and universities in various regions have been calling for recording their behavior history, such as when and where they went out and who they met with in their daily lives, in case of infection.

In Kosai City, Shizuoka Prefecture, daily actions were recorded for citizens based on the fact that infected people appeared in neighboring Hamamatsu City and Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture, and that more students are expected to return home in the future. We have created our own "record slip" and have released it on our website from 8th of this month.

You can fill in the place, time, name, etc. where you met people other than cohabitants, and you can download it for free.

In addition, the city will start distributing paper “records” to all households of approximately 24,000 from 15th of this month to ensure their use.

Kosai City Health Promotion Division said, "I want people to be aware that they may infect themselves, and record their daily activities as they can use something like a memo while referring to a" record. " And talk.

Aizu University, located in Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima Prefecture, will require all students from this month to fill out a special sheet every day, including body temperature, physical condition, and which facilities on the campus they used. I am.